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Archive for the ‘NLM Announcements’ Category

NIH MedlinePlus Magazine Spring 2009 issue

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

If you would like to receive this magazine email whenever a new issue is published (4 times per year), subscribe online at

* Special Section: Colorectal Cancer
* Orthopedic Health
* Headaches and Migraines
* Feature: Hepatitis
* Then & Now: Research Pays Off for All Americans / Darwin, DNA, and The Genome [scb]

Medicare Information for Caregivers now Available on NIHSeniorHealth

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009
An easy-to-read overview, “Medicare Basics for Caregivers,” is now available at NIHSeniorHealth. This brief, yet comprehensive introduction to Medicare gives caregivers the basics and helps them find answers to their questions. The complete NIH News Release is available online at: [scb]

NLM and NN/LM at MLA

Monday, May 11th, 2009

For a list of the events sponsored by the NLM and NN/LM at MLA go to:

NN/LM MCR staff member events:

Friday May 15, 7:00-11:00 AM - CE “Getting Started with Information Outreach in MinorityCommunities” - Siobhan Champ-Blackwell
Sunday May 17, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM - Presentation: “Infusing Health Sciences Libraries with Economic Muscle” - Betsy Kelly
Monday May 18, 10:30 AM-Noon - Panel “Technology and E-resources: Evolving with the Times” - John Bramble, panelist
Tuesday May 19, 1:00-2:30 PM - Panel “The Healthy Library: Creating a Culture of Wellness” - Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, moderator
“Evaluation of 13 Things: A Learning 2.0 Self Discovery Class” - Rebecca Brown & Sharon  Dennis
“Fusing and Collaborating: A Joint Library Project on Google Docs” - Marty Magee

New MyDelivery Information Exchange Tool from NLM

Friday, May 8th, 2009

The National Library of Medicine’s Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications has produced MyDelivery, a prototype tool for communicating health and biomedical information.  A result of R&D in Internet communications, MyDelivery enables two individuals to securely exchange information reliably, even through potentially unreliable wireless networks. The email-like user interface allows file attachments to be large in size (several gigabytes) or quantity (several thousand). This tool has potential applications in library document delivery, biomedical research, and HIPAA-compliant communication of patient health information.

MyDelivery is currently in beta testing, and libraries and their customers are invited to use it and provide feedback on its utility. The free registration and Windows client software are available at [da]

May Issue of NIH News in Health Now Online

Monday, May 4th, 2009

In the newest issue of NIH News in Health learn how eye health is an indicator of your overall health, and discover the numerous health benefits that can occur when you stop smoking. Become a fan of NIH News in Health on Facebook–suggest topics you’d like to see covered, or start a discussion about how you use the newsletter. [da]

MedlinePlus Search Clouds

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

MedlinePlus Search Cloud:
MedlinePlus en espanol Search Cloud:

The MedlinePlus search cloud displays the top 100 English searches, and the MedlinePlus en espanol search cloud displays the top 100 Spanish searches. The search clouds are linked from the MedlinePlus and MedlinePlus en espanol homepages. The search clouds are usually updated every week day. The search terms appear in alphabetical order, and their size represents their relative frequency. The bigger the term, the more often it is searched by people who visit MedlinePlus. A term’s exact ranking is found by placing your cursor over the term, and you can click on any term in the search cloud to conduct a search for that term in MedlinePlus. [scb]

NLM Applied Informatics Grants

Monday, April 20th, 2009

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) offers Applied Informatics grants to health-related and scientific organizations that wish to optimize the utility and use of clinical and research information. These grants are for organizations that wish to exploit the capabilities of information technology to bring usable, useful biomedical knowledge to end users by translating the findings of informatics and information science research into practice through novel or enhanced systems and services. [scb]

HIV/AIDS Community Information Outreach Projects 2009

Friday, April 10th, 2009

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce the solicitation of quotations from organizations and libraries to design and conduct projects that will improve access to HIV/AIDS related health information for patients, the affected community, and their caregivers. Standard Awards are offered for up to $60,000; Express Awards are offered for up to $10,000. Quotations are due to NLM on Monday, June 1, 2009. The solicitation for the 2009 HIV/AIDS Community Information Outreach Projects is posted at

NLM Completes 1st Phase of FDA Notice of Judgment Project

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) announced today the completion of the first phase of an online finding aid/scanning project to provide information about and access to NLM’s 2,000+ linear foot archival collection of the FDA Notice of Judgment files.  This project provides for managing scans of and extracting metadata from some 70,000 Notices of Judgments in court cases about violations of the Pure Food and Drug acts; this release provides access to some 6,800 scanned notices related to drugs and devices, with the balance to follow.  In addition to providing information about the cases, the database serves as a locator for the archival materials upon which the cases were made, which provide extensive information about the commerce of health care in the first half of the twentieth century. The project may be found at [da]

NLM Extends Contract With A.D.A.M.

Monday, March 30th, 2009

From Fox Business News: A.D.A.M., Inc. (Nasdaq: ADAM) today announced it has extended its relationship with the National Library of Medicine. As part of the agreement, NLM will use A.D.A.M.’s Multimedia Encyclopedia to enhance the health content on its MedlinePlus web site, an award-winning, free resource that brings together authoritative health information from the NLM, the National Institutes of Health, and other public agencies, and respected private health-related organizations. Copyright Business Wire 2009 [scb]