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Plains to Peaks Podcast #2 (April 2007)


Siobhan Champ-Blackwell interviews Ira Combs, R.N. Community Liaison Nurse Coordinator for the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Center for Health Disparities. They discuss the importance of building trusted relationships with communities as a vital piece of the ongoing efforts to reduce health disparities.

MCR Host:: Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, MCR Community Outreach Liaison

Guest: Ira Combs, RN, BS

Ira Combs and Dr. JesseHere is Ira's bio: "I am a 56 year-old African male, Registered Nurse working as a community outreach nurse for the university of Nebraska Medical Center (official title- Community Liaison Nurse Coordinator). I have only been a RN for 17 years, prior to that I was a paramedic, and before that I was a social worker, and before that I was a chaplain. My wife tells me I’m a "rescuer," maybe she’s right. As a nurse I have been everything from a staff nurse to a Director of Nursing for a home health care agency. The first eleven years I worked numerous nursing specialties, Emergency Room, Coronary Care, and Oncology. I am greatly concerned about minority health disparities, and part of my job has been to create programs and services to decrease and eliminate them. I’m the primary investigator for 2 community survey research projects we are doing at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. I’m a member of the Oncology Nurse Society, American Nurse Association, and vice-president of the local chapter of the Omaha Black Nurse Association. I have been married for 35 years, and have 3 wonderful "hardheaded kids" ages 35, 22 and 15. I know what you’re thinking, "kind of a wide spread". I have 2 grandkids ages 9 and 5 who spend way too much time at Grandpa’s house. I really love cutting grass, when you're mowing you kind off leave the world behind. Sometimes I've mowed my lawn 2 times in one week. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are-Theodore Roosevelt."

Program Length: 18 minutes, 50 seconds

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About the Music:

The music in the podcast is from the Opsound website for open source music. The track is called "Culinária Brasileira" from the album "A Música Impossível" by Irmãos Sacramento (see All sounds in the Opsound pool are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license (a copyleft license similar to those used in the free and open source software communities) or are placed in the public domain (the license information for each song can be found under the song link).