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ministry service dogs
We train these specialized dogs as service dogs. These dogs know skills such as retrieving things that are dropped, opening doors or cabinets, turning on and off light switches and more. They are placed with a minister in a church setting or as a chaplain in an institutional setting. The dog accompanies the minister in his or her duties including visiting those in hospitals, nursing homes or private residences, conducting worship services, greeting parishioners, meetings and day to day activities through the community.  They also accompany the minister on pastoral calls, are present during worship, help with children’s’ stories, and provide comfort to those who are distressed.

This dog has been specifically trained to help ease ministerial counseling and promote congregational harmony. The presence of a friendly, soft, engaging animal often puts people at ease. Ministers who have worked in teams with service dogs have noted that the dog is often recognized and approached first and people’s affect then seems much more relaxed. Children especially seem to find comfort in the presence of a friendly dog. And, as one minister explained:

“I discovered that pastoral counseling took one a whole new depth with my service dog present. Some people stroke him as they talk seeming to gain comfort from his soft coat. Others talk to him or through him making it easier for them to express themselves."

In addition, the dog’s training is maintained by accompanying his or her minister partner in all aspects of community life. As a trainer/handler and service animal that ministers to others, this team is afforded the same rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as other service teams.

You will need to pay a fee before you will be matched with a dog. This money may be fund raised, or someone can sponsor you for that amount. Please see our funding page for information about the cost of funding your dog.

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