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Service Dogs are trained to assist people who are physically disabled. NEADS Service Dog teams have public access rights under the ADA. They are trained to retrieve things that drop, portable telephones, or items from shelves and other hard-to-reach places; open refrigerator and other doors; push elevator buttons; turn light switches on and off; carry items in their mouths or backpacks; pull wheelchairs up ramps or short distances; go get help should their partner need human assistance. Most of the Service Dogs that NEADS trains are donated as puppies by breeders throughout the country and raised by volunteer foster families before returning to NEADS for 6-months of skill training. Trainers then match them with qualified applicants. Those who are eligible to receive a Service Dog must spend two weeks at the NEADS campus in Princeton, MA, and learn how to work as a team with their new dog. 

All applicants must be at least 6 years old. If an applicant cannot assume total responsibility for a Service Dog, a facilitator must accompany the applicant and become part of the Service Dog team. 

You will need to pay a fee before you will be matched with a dog. This money may be fund raised, or someone can sponsor you for that amount. Please see our funding page for information about the cost of funding your dog.

How To Apply:

Individuals seeking to obtain an Service Dog will complete and submit an application to NEADS. The application process is as follows: 

  • Fill out the application form. You may fill out this application on-line and submit it to us by clicking on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the application.
  • We will e-mail a confirmation as soon as we receive your completed application. Our appointment secretary will then contact you to set up a personal interview here at our Princeton, MA office. If travel to Princeton is a problem, please contact us to discuss alternative arrangements.
  • After your interview, we will let you know if we think we can train a dog to help you. We will also let you know what the wait time is at that point. Presently there is a three to six month waiting period for most applicants .
  • If you are accepted as a future client, we will notify you and place your name on our waiting list for an assistance dog. When we think we have a dog in training that would be a good "match" for you, we will alert you and provide possible training dates. 
  • To graduate with an Assistance Dog, you will stay at our Princeton training campus for a two-week training course with your Assistance Dog. Travel to and from the campus along with meals during your stay are your responsibility. You MUST complete this training program successfully in order to receive your Assistance Dog.  A graduation ceremony completes the training process. Friends and relatives may attend the happy occasion. Graduation ceremonies are open to the public.

Again, thank you for your interest in obtaining a NEADS dog. If you have any further questions please contact our appointment secretary at (978) 422-9064 or by e-mail at

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