>>> eGRID2007 Release Notes <<< ********************************************** * * * 02/13/2009 eGRID2007 Version 1.1 Revised * * * ********************************************** eGRID2007 Version 1.1 is revised slightly on 02/13/2009 to correct 36 generator IDs. These 36 generator IDs are 5 characters long. eGRID2007 previously used a maximum of 4 characters for the generator ID, and, therefore, truncated the last character of these IDs. All other data are unchanged. ********************************************** * * * 01/26/2009 eGRID2007 Version 1.1 Released * * * ********************************************** eGRID2007 Version 1.1 is released on 01/26/2009 to correct a calculation error in CO2 emissions for 213 plants that burned biomass and that had at least some CO2 emissions calculated from EIA-767 data fuel use. This correction affected the CO2 emissions and CO2 emission rates at plants that burned municipal solid waste among other plants. This correction also affected the Year 2005 CO2 emissions and emission rates in the aggregation data files, the Year 2005 Summary Tables, and the Year 2005 GHG Annual Output Emission Rates file. Also, the alphabetical order of the plants in the Year 2005 plant, boiler and generator data files were adjusted to disregard any changes in capitalization. These changes do not affect the state import-export files, the representational maps, the eGRID2007 Technical Support Document, or anything related to year 2004 data. Current available files: ------------------------ Filename File description on website: -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- eGRID2007_Version1-1.zip eGRID2007 Version 1.1 - all files (ZIP) -> contains files: eGRID2007V1_1_year0504_STIE_USGC.xls eGRID2007V1_1_year05_SummaryTables.pdf eGRID2007V1_1_year05_plant.xls eGRID2007V1_1_year05_GHGOutputRates.pdf eGRID2007V1_1_year05_aggregation.xls eGRID2007V1_1_1_ReleaseNotes.txt eGRID2007TechnicalSupportDocument.pdf eGRID2007_NERC_regions.jpg eGRID2007_eGRID_subregions.jpg eGRID2006V2_1_year04_plant.xls eGRID2006V2_1_year04_aggregation.xls eGRID2006V2_1_TSD.pdf eGRID2006V2_1_Summary_Tables.pdf eGRID2007_Version1-1_xls_only.zip eGRID2007 year 2005 plant and aggregation files (ZIP) -> contains files: eGRID2007V1_1_year05_aggregation.xls eGRID2007V1_1_year05_plant.xls eGRID2007V1_1_year0504_STIE_USGC.xls eGRID2007 year 2004 and 2005 state import-export files (XLS) eGRID2007TechnicalSupportDocument.pdf eGRID2007 Technical Support Document for year 2005 data (PDF) eGRID2007V1_1_year05_SummaryTables.pdf eGRID year 2005 Summary Tables (PDF) eGRID2007V1_1_year05_GHGOutputRates.pdf eGRID subregion GHG output emission rates for year 2005 (PDF) eGRID2007_NERC_regions.jpg NERC region representational map (JPG) eGRID2007_eGRID_subregions.jpg eGRID subregion representational map (JPG) eGRID2007V1_1_1_ReleaseNotes.txt eGRID2007 Release Notes (TXT) -> (this file) eGRID2006_Version2-1_xls_only.zip eGRID2006 year 2004 plant and aggregation files (ZIP) -> contains files: eGRID2006V2_1_year04_aggregation.xls eGRID2006V2_1_year04_plant.xls eGRID2006V2_1_TSD.pdf eGRID2006 Technical Support Document for year 2004 data (PDF) eGRID2006V2_1_Summary_Tables.pdf eGRID year 2004 Summary Tables (PDF) Files unaffected by the update to Version 1.1: ----------------------------------------------- eGRID2007TechnicalSupportDocument.pdf eGRID2007V1_1_year0504_STIE_USGC.xls (The filename changed, but contents of the file are unchanged.) eGRID2007_NERC_regions.jpg eGRID2007_eGRID_subregions.jpg eGRID2006_Version2-1_xls_only.zip eGRID2006V2_1_year04_plant.xls eGRID2006V2_1_year04_aggregation.xls eGRID2006V2_1_TSD.pdf eGRID2006V2_1_Summary_Tables.pdf New file: --------- eGRID2007V1_1_1_ReleaseNotes.txt (this file) ********************************************** * * * 10/16/2008 eGRID2007 Version 1.0 Released * * * ********************************************** Filename File description on website: -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- eGRID2007_Version1-0.zip eGRID2007 Version 1.0 - all files (ZIP) -> contains files: eGRID2007V1_0_year0504_STIE_USGC.xls eGRID2007V1_0_year05_SummaryTables.pdf eGRID2007V1_0_year05_plant.xls eGRID2007V1_0_year05_GHGOutputRates.pdf eGRID2007V1_0_year05_aggregation.xls eGRID2007TechnicalSupportDocument.pdf eGRID2007_NERC_regions.jpg eGRID2007_eGRID_subregions.jpg eGRID2006V2_1_year04_plant.xls eGRID2006V2_1_year04_aggregation.xls eGRID2006V2_1_TSD.pdf eGRID2006V2_1_Summary_Tables.pdf eGRID2007_Version1-0_xls_only.zip eGRID2007 year 2005 plant and aggregation files (ZIP) -> contains files: eGRID2007V1_0_year05_aggregation.xls eGRID2007V1_0_year05_plant.xls eGRID2007V1_0_year0504_STIE_USGC.xls eGRID2007 year 2004 and 2005 state import-export files (XLS) eGRID2007TechnicalSupportDocument.pdf eGRID2007 Technical Support Document for year 2005 data (PDF) eGRID2007V1_0_year05_SummaryTables.pdf eGRID year 2005 Summary Tables (PDF) eGRID2007V1_0_year05_GHGOutputRates.pdf eGRID subregion GHG output emission rates for year 2005 (PDF) eGRID2007_NERC_regions.jpg NERC region representational map (JPG) eGRID2007_eGRID_subregions.jpg eGRID subregion representational map (JPG) eGRID2006_Version2-1_xls_only.zip eGRID2006 year 2004 plant and aggregation files (ZIP) -> contains files: eGRID2006V2_1_year04_aggregation.xls eGRID2006V2_1_year04_plant.xls eGRID2006V2_1_TSD.pdf eGRID2006 Technical Support Document for year 2004 data (PDF) eGRID2006V2_1_Summary_Tables.pdf eGRID year 2004 Summary Tables (PDF)