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Features - February 2008

NETL Video Drawing Lots of Attention

A carbon sequestration video produced by NETL for the Regional Sequestration Partnerships is attracting a lot of attention. It showed up on YouTube, where it was spotted by the National Science Foundation which was looking for multimedia content for a session hosted by NSF and the National Academy of Engineering at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) this month. The session is on the Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st Century.  There will be 14 challenges presented, one of which is carbon sequestration. The NSF was so impressed with the NETL sequestration video that it requested permission to use parts of it in the presentation at the AAAS meeting.  An NSF representative said that it is the best video she has seen on the fundamentals of carbon sequestration, and was amazed to learn that we had produced it entirely in-house. Take a look at it. Watch Video