Choosing a Lab
Financial Info
Key Dates
How to Apply

PST Logo

Pre-Service Teacher

clipboardHow to Apply

To apply for a PST internship, use the ‘Apply’ link located on the floating navigation bar on the left side of your screen.

The application allows you to fill out the application in a number of sessions. From the several different laboratories, you will be asked to choose one laboratory where you wish to attend. Applicants may choose to apply to one lab, if they have a specific preference or a specific research interest, or to all labs that offer the PST program, if their research interest is more general.

Please check the Key Dates for deadlines and when you can expect to hear relevent news on your application. If you are chosen by the laboratory, you must accept the offer within two weeks of notification by clicking on the "Accept" button on your “status page” or you will be removed from consideration.

f you decline your offer, you will be removed from the selection listing.

Early submission of the completed application is strongly encouraged. Remember the earlier you complete and submit your application the less likely you are to encounter difficulties.

pencil and paperSelection

  • The selection of a participant is based on academic coursework; recommendations; scientific interests; compatibility of the applicant's background and interests with the research programs at the facilities; and the availability of funds, programs, and staff.
  • The initial person to select a student for an internship in most labs is the researcher who is volunteering to be a mentor.  Once the researcher/mentor has chosen a student as an intern it is approved by the respective lab Education Office.  No researcher/mentor can make a direct offer to a student. Only the Education Office of the laboratory can make the offer.
  • Recruitment and selection of participants is done without regard to race, gender, age, color, religion, national origin, mental or physical disability, or status as a Vietnam Era veteran.