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How to Apply

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Pre-Service Teacher

person questioningWho Should Apply...Eligibility

Students wishing to become K-12 teachers who are either majoring in any branch of science, math, engineering or technology or are education majors are encouraged to apply. Students in a post-graduate program preparing for a teaching certificate are also eligible.

This program is not a job. It is an internship and is intended to support the intellectual and professional development of students who have a sincere desire to be fully involved in a program that offers an intensive, mentored experience that trains teachers to learn how to transfer scientific research knowledge to the classroom. It is particularly helpful to students who have not had a chance to work in a science based research environment and want to understand how applied science progresses through the “scientific process”.

student with paperApplicant Requirements

To be eligible, applicants:

  1. Must be currently enrolled as a student in an undergraduate or graduate program at an accredited college or university.
  2. Must intend to become a K-12 teacher in science, mathematics, or technology.
  3. Must be 18 years or older at the start of the program.
  4. Must be a United States Citizen or Permanent Resident Alien.
  5. Must have earned a high school diploma or GED.
  6. Can participate in a maximum one PST internship.
  7. Must have coverage under a health insurance plan. It is the responsibility of each participant to secure insurance coverage before arriving at the appointment site.
  8. Must have completed at least one year of college, including a minimum of two math classes above college algebra OR at least two laboratory science classes.

Students are limited to the number and type of appointments they can receive. Students attending a Community College are encouraged to apply to the Community College Institute for Science and Technology first in order to be eligible for the maximum number of internships; however, Community College students and Pre-Service Teachers are also eligible to apply for the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship.