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NETL Oil & Natural Gas Technologies Reference Shelf
E&P Focus Newsletter


The oil and gas exploration and production R&D newsletter, E&P Focus, is a quarterly publication highlighting the latest developments in R&D being carried out by NETL. E&P Focus promotes the widespread dissemination of research results among all types of oil and gas industry stakeholders: producers, researchers, educators, regulators, and policymakers. Each issue provides up-to-date information regarding extramural projects managed under the Strategic Center for Natural Gas and Oil’s traditional oil and gas program, the EPAct Section 999 Program administered by the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America (RPSEA), and in-house oil and gas research carried out by NETL’s Office of Research and Development.

To subscribe electronically to E&P Focus please visit the NETL public mailing lists webpage and click on the "EPFocus" link under "List". If you have any difficulties using the mailing list please contact the list administrator.

NEW! Spring 2009 Issue [PDF-3.12MB]
In this issue read about: