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Oil & Natural Gas Projects
Exploration and Production Technologies
Downhole Heater Cables for Oil Shale Recovery


The project goal is to develop downhole heater cables to provide high power, at preferably high voltages, to heat oil shale and rock to about 900° C and to demonstrate the feasibility of using this heater technology for the in-situ recovery of oil from shale.

Composite Technology Development, Inc. (CTD)
Lafayette, CO

In Phase I, CTD developed and evaluated new high-temperature insulation materials that meet the difficult requirements for in-situ oil shale recovery and developed and tested the performance of these materials in full power, limited-length heater cable development specimens. In Phase II, CTD will concentrate on development and scale-up of a manufacturing process that can cost-effectively manufacture these cable heaters in lengths relevant to the oil shale recovery system.

The benefits of developing in-situ process technologies are as follows:

  • The economic viability of oil shale recovery is dramatically improved by eliminating the cost of mining kerogen-containing rock and bringing it to the surface for processing.
  • The long-term security of the U.S. oil supply is significantly improved because the Nation ultimately could be self-sufficient in oil following a comprehensive program to fully develop its oil shale resources.
  • The environmental impact is minimized because the process takes place several thousand feet below the Earth’s surface. The in-situ process 1) does not generate significant quantities of spent rock that must be disposed of and 2) will enable the rapid re-vegetation of the site.

The timely development of these new materials will position CTD to be a provider of high-temperature heater cables for use in in-situ oil shale recovery processes. This technology will enable the exploitation of the United States’ valuable domestic resources of oil shale, thus reducing its dependency on foreign oil.

While the quantity of oil shale is significant, cost-effective methods of recovering and refining the material still must be developed. One method of extracting oil shale involves the use of underground heaters to separate kerogen (the organic material from which oil is derived) from the shale in situ. In this process, heater cables 2,000-5,000 feet long are deployed in oil shale deposits and heated to at least 500° C. Heating the oil shale in-situ converts the kerogen to a petroleum-like substance. Additionally, the heat reduces the viscosity of the organic material and allows the newly formed oil to be readily pumped to the surface for refining.

At this time, one of the biggest technical challenges associated with in-situ heating is the development of heater cables capable of long term, high temperature operation in downhole environments. These heater cables need to provide high power, at preferably high voltages, to heat the oil shale and rock to about 900° C. The higher the power each heater is able to provide, the fewer the number of heaters that will need to be installed for a given volume of rock. High thermal conductivity of the conductor and the insulation is required to make the heaters as highly efficient as possible. Furthermore, the heater cables need to be able to be installed downhole in a manner similar to which the oil industry uses for installing equipment downhole, such as that used for coiled tubing. Two primary challenges associated with the development of heaters for in-situ oil shale recovery are the electrical insulation material and a cost-effective manufacturing method with which to fabricate these heaters.

Project highlights include the following:

  • Researchers demonstrated the feasibility of downhole heaters for in-situ recovery of oil from shale.
  • The heaters utilize a patented high-performance, ceramic-based composite insulation
  • After more than 2,500 hours of high-temperature electrical tests, CTD’s insulation provides a lower, more stable leakage current than is attainable with commercial products, such as mineral insulated (MI) cables.
  • High-temperature testing was performed, in-kind, by an industry collaborator; testing was not a part of the original Phase I scope, but technology maturity was sufficient to garner industry interest.
  • Compared with MI cables, CTD’s heaters show that they:
    - Provide more stable electrical insulation over time at high temperature.
    - Can be manufactured in significantly longer lengths without the use of joints or splices.
    - Can be manufactured for higher current-carrying capacity with a larger conductor.
    - Are far less sensitive to moisture and are more flexible and can be spooled to a smaller diameter for more-efficient transport and ease of insertion into the wellbore. Heaters based on similar technology can be used for enhanced oil recovery and recovery of oil from tar sands.

CTD has developed and patented, under DOE SBIR funding, a ceramic composite insulation material designed to withstand long-term exposure to 900° C. or higher. In addition, these ceramic composite insulation materials have been shown to have high thermal conductivity and a low coefficient of thermal expansion. It is this ceramic composite insulation material that CTD proposes to adapt for use in high-temperature downhole heaters for in-situ oil shale recovery. The development of a heater cable for downhole application will require that the insulation materials exhibit the combined properties of high-temperature stability, moisture resistance, high dielectric strength, high thermal conductivity, and mechanical durability.

Current Status (June 2006)
Phase I of this SBIR project has been completed. Phase I final results were incorporated into a follow-on application for Phase II SBIR funding. Composite Technology has received a Phase II award to continue this work. Substantial industry interest in this technology is evidenced by in-kind testing. Over 2,500 hours of high-temperature testing showed the insulation performance remained stable over time, in comparison with commercial heaters. Additional specimens are being prepared for high-temperature testing to investigate in-situ pyrolysis of pre-ceramic polymer and the impact of insulation thickness on performance. The project performer is seeking out heater fabrication collaborators for participation in Phase II. Researchers also are investigating alternative materials and manufacturing techniques to enhance performance, improve robustness, and to ensure cost-effectiveness of the insulation material and heater. And material studies are underway to characterize material performance and optimize processing methods.

Project Start: June 27, 2005
Project End: March 26, 2006

Anticipated DOE Contribution: $99,939
Performer Contribution: $0

Contact Information
NETL – Sue Mehlhoff ( or 918-699-2044)
Composite Technology – Matthew Hooker ( or 303-664-0394)

CTD has filed an invention disclosure describing the technology developed in Phase I. This disclosure has been assigned DOE Case Number S-108,974, and is entitled In-Situ Curing of Downhole Heater Insulation.

Schematic of downhole heater design.
Schematic of downhole heater design.

graph showing Leakage current performance of a composite insulated heater segment.
Leakage current performance of a composite insulated heater segment.