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The National Methane Hydrates R&D Program
Methane Hydrate R&D Program Newsletter

An image of a hydrate burning overlayed with the Newsletter Title: Fire in the Ice

The methane hydrate newsletter, Fire in the Ice, is a quarterly publication highlighting the latest developments in the National Methane Hydrate R&D Program. Fire in the Ice promotes the exchange of information amoung those involved in gas hydrates research and development, and also recognizes the efforts of a hydrate researcher in each issue. The newsletter now reaches nearly 500 scientists and other interested individuals in sixteen countries.

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Please click on the links below to access issues of "Fire in the Ice".           More on Methane Hydrates

Featured Stories
2009 Gulf of Mexico Hydrate Logging and Drilling Expedition
Molecular Level Modeling in Gas Hydrate Studies
Methane Fluxes and Gas Hydrates in the Sea of Okhotsu
The Methane Hydrate Fellowship
Hydrate Researchers: The Next Generation
Assessment of Technically Recoverable Hydrate on North Slope Alaska
Imaging GOM Hydrate using EM Methods
Interpreting Upward Methane Flux from Pore Water Profiles
Occurrence and Variety in Seismic Expression of the Base of Gas Hydrate Stability in the Gulf of Mexico, USA
Gas Hydrate Investigation in Taiwan
Analysis Provides Look at Korean Cores
Hydrate Production through CO2-CH4 Exchange
Effects of Reservoir Heterogeneity on Productivity
Accretionary Margin Frontal Ridge Slope Failures and Cold Seep Biochemistry
Paleo Hydrates Role in Deepwater Biogenic Gas Reservoirs
Update on results of the Spring 2008 Mallik well test in Canada
Relationship between pore fluid profiles and methane flux
Current perspectives on methane release from hydrates during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Update on seismic-scale rock physics of methane hydrates
MMS Releases Preliminary Results of Gulf of Mexico In-Place Natural Gas Hydrate Assessment (M.Frye, et al.)
Korean National Program Expedition Confirms Rich Gas Hydrate Deposits in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Keun-Pil Park, et al.)
Analysis of Pressure Test Data from the "Mount Elbert" Gas Hydrate Well (Int'l. Gas Hydrate Code Comparison Group)
Formation and Dissociation of Methane Hydrates in the Marine Environment (S.Garg and J.Pritchett)
Safe Drilling in Gas-Hydrate Prone Sediments: Findings from the 2005 Drilling Campaign of the Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrates Joint Industry Project (JIP) (R.Birchwood, et al.)
Climate Change and the Global Carbon Cycle: Perspectives and Opportunities (C. Ruppel and J.Pohlman)
Unique Tools Sample Sediment Pore Water near Seafloor Hydrate Mounds in the Gulf of Mexico (L.Lapham, et al.)
Comparison of drilling results to pre-drill estimates of gas hydrate occurrence: "Mount Elbert" test site, Alaska North Slope (T.Inks, et al.)

New Simulations of the Production Potential of Marine Gas Hydrates (G.Moridis and M.Reagan)
Repeated Episodes of Methane Flux from Bering Sea Sediments During the Last Glacial Period (M.Cook and L.Keigwin)
Successful and Surprising Results for China's First Gas Hydrate Drilling Expedition (H.Zhang, et al.)
Gas Hydrates Observatories (GHOBS) Workshop Report (M.Torres, et al.)
Early Results from Korean Gas Hydrate Research Effort Are Encouraging
Fresh Water Hydrates from Lake Baikal (P.Schultheiss and M.Holland)
China's First Gas Hydrate Expedition Successful (H.Zhang, et al.)
Characterization and Quantification of the Methane Hydrate Resource Potential Associated with the Barrow Gas Fields (T.Walsh and P.Stokes)
Community Update on the 2006-2008 JOGMEC/NRCan/Aurora Mallik Gas Hydrate Production Research Program, Northwest Territories, Canada (S.Dallimore)
Seismic Detection of Natural Gas Hydrate in the Deepwater of Northern Gulf of Mexico (N.Dutta and J.Dai)
Exploration Priorities for Marine Gas Hydrate Resources (R.Boswell, et al.)
Alaska North Slope Well Successfully Cores, Logs, and Tests Gas-Hydrate-Bearing Reservoirs (Mt.Elbert Science Team)
International Methane Hydrate Code Comparison Project Simulates Relevant Problems (Gas Hydrate Simulator Comparison Team)
New Sensing Technology at Oak Ridge National Lab Expands Capabilities for Meso-Scale Hydrate Research (M.Elwood Madden)
HYACINTH Pressure Cores from India: Analysis and Subsampling Reveals Detailed Methane Hydrate Structures (P.Schultheiss, et al.)

International Team Completes Landmark Gas Hydrate Expedition in the Offshore of India (T.Collett, et al.)
The Gas Hydrates Resource Pyramid (R.Boswell and T.Collett)
Gas Hydrate Potential of the Mid Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (W.Shedd and D.Hutchinson)
Possible Deep-Water Gas Hydrate Accumulations in the Bering Sea (G.Barth, et al.)
Alaminos Canyon Block 818: A Documented Example of Gas Hydrate Saturated Sand in the Gulf of Mexico (S.Smith, et al.)
DOE Announces New Fellowship Program Dedicated to Methane Hydrate Research
Strengthening Science Through Hydrate Research
Methanogenesis in Hydrate-Bearing Sediments: Integration of Experimental and Theoretical Approaches (F.Colwell and W.Ussler)
Geomechanical Implications of Thermal Stresses on Hydrate-Bearing Sediments (G.Moridis and M.Kowalsky)
Heriot-Watt University's Centre for Gas Hydrate Research Reflects Growing Interest in Hydrates (B.Tohidi)

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 311 - Cascadia Margin Gas Hydrates (IODP Expedition 311 Scientific Party)
Using Acoustic Inversion to Image Buried Gas Hydrate Distribution (D.McConnell and Z.Zhang)
Physical Property Studies in the USGS GHASTLI Laboratory (W.Winters, et al.)
Measuring Gas Hydrate Dynamics in Sediments At In Situ Conditions (D.Mahajan, et al.)
Changing Perspectives on the Resource Potential of Methane Hydrates (R.Boswell, et al.)
An International Effort to Compare Methane Hydrate Reservoir Simulators (Methane Hydrate Simulator Comparison Team)
Joint Industry Project (JIP) Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Coring Update (G.Claypool)
Marine Multi-Component Seismology in Gas Hydrate Investigations on the Norwegian Margin (S.Bunz, et al.)
Discovery of Possible Gas Hydrate Features Offshore Norway (M.Hovland)
Mississippi Canyon Block 118 Seafloor-Monitoring Station Update (C.Lutken)
Understanding Methane Hydrate Behavior Using X-ray Computed Tomography (T.Kneafsey, et al.)
Quantitative Assessment of Marine Gas Hydrates Underway at MMS (P.Ray)
New Method May Hold Promise for Gas Hydrate Production and Carbon Sequestration (P.McGrail, et al.)

AAPG Hedberg Research Conference on Gas Hydrates (T.Collett)
Oak Ridge Facilities Well Suited for both Education and Collaborative Research (T.Phelps and C.Rawn)
Relic Gas Hydrates of Northwestern Siberia (V.Yakushev)
Remote Observatory to Provide Detailed Data on Near-Sea-Floor Fluid Dynamics (C.Lutken and T.McGee)
USGS Laboratory Studies Shed Light on Hydrate Decomposition Behavior under Possible Gas Production Scenarios (S.Kirby, et al.)
Large-Volume, High-Pressure View Cell Helps Fill Gaps in Understanding of Methane Hydrate Behavior (C.Taylor)
Characterization of Alaska North Slope Gas Hydrate Resource Potential (R.Hunter)
Gas Hydrates in Detail (A.Reed, et al.)
Evidence of Natural Gas Hydrates Observed in Korea's East Sea (Jeong-Hwan Lee)
Mallik Results Presented in Chiba, Japan (T.Mroz)
Hydrate Decomposition Under Scrutiny (S.Kirby, et al.)
GHOSTS, MOSQUITOs, and Peepers Return to the Gulf of Mexico

You See Ice-We See Gas Hydrates (B.Freifeld)
USGS Scientists Use Collected Seismic Data to Select Drilling Sites for 2004 (P.Hart, et al.)
Denver Hydrate Meetings Showcase Hydrate Research Accomplishments
International Science Team Studies Hydrates Off The Coast of Chile
New Tools Advance Scientific Studies of Natural Gas Hydrates (P.McGrail and P.Long)
National Research Council Reviews the Methane Hydrate Research and Development Program
US DOT Approves Pressure Vessels for Transportation of Pressurized Hydrate Core
Hot Ice #1: First Dedicated Hydrate Research Well In Alaska
Worldwide Search for Affordable Gas (T.Collett)
Natural Gas Hydrates in Canada: An Economically Attractive Energy Alternative? (K.Osadetz)
Methane Hydrate Research in Japan (T.Yonezawa)
Atwater Valley and Keathley Canyon, Gulf of Mexico: Sites for Further Studies
GHOSTS and MOSQUITOs in the Gulf of Mexico
Highlighting Hydrate Heterogeneities in the Gulf of Mexico

R/V JOIDES Resolution Docks With a Payload of Hydrate Samples
Multinational Team Recovers Sub-Bottom Gulf-of-Mexico Hydrate Cores
Gulf of Mexico Hydrate Research Consortium Cruise Locates New Hydrate Site, Tests Pore-Water Sampler and Recovers Seafloor Probe
Twenty Days Studying Life in Extreme Environments
Alvin Explores the Juan de Fuca Seafloor
German Researchers Study Hydrate Ridge Aboard the R/V Sonne
First Dedicated Hydrate Well in Alaska Scheduled for Early 2003
Interagency Group "Zooms In" on Methane Hydrate Pore Structures
Monitoring Station for Deep-Water Methane Hydrates Coming Soon
ChevronTexaco Makes Gulf Exploration Safer
First Methane Hydrates Interagency R&D Conference
Giant Piston Coring Effort Gets Under Way in Gulf of Mexico-Summer 2002
USGS Leads United States Effort in Mallik Well
Deep East Voyage of Discovery-Gas Hydrates on the Blake Ridge

SCNG Begins Fiscal Year 2002 with Significant New Hydrate Research and Development Projects
Industry Takes Lead in Methane Hydrate Research
National Labs Unlocking the Energy in Methane Hydrate
SCNGO Launches National Methane Hydrate R&D Website
Hydrate Cores Recovered with the Hydrate Drill Johnson Sea Link Cruise, July 3-18, 2001