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Current Issue: Vol. 301, No. 18, May 13, 2009

Spring Storm Approaching
Dr DeAngelis, Editor in Chief of JAMA, summarizes and comments on this week's issue. You can also subscribe to the podcast or download the audio files.

This Week in JAMA Free Full Text

Original Contributions

  • Effects of Home-Based Diet and Exercise on Functional Outcomes Among Older, Overweight Long-term Cancer Survivors: RENEW: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    Free Full Text | JAMA Report Video
  • Circulating Estradiol and Mortality in Men With Systolic Chronic Heart Failure
    Abstract | Full Text | Patient Page
  • Policies on Donation After Cardiac Death at Children's Hospitals: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Variation
    Abstract | Full Text

Clinician's Corner: Clinical Review

  • Aspirin for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials
    Abstract | Full Text | CME Course



  • Aspirin and Secondary Prevention in Peripheral Artery Disease: A Perspective for the Early 21st Century
    Extract | Full Text
  • Commitment to Care for the Community
    Extract | Full Text

Early Release Editorial

  • Conflicts Over Conflicts of Interest
    Free PDF

A Piece of My Mind

Medical News & Perspectives

  • Associations Say No to Industry Funding
    Extract | Full Text
  • Combat Injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan Help Rewrite the Book on War Surgery
    Extract | Full Text

Complete Table of Contents

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Nasal Endoscopy


Video of a normal nasal endoscopy. Read the article by Peter H. Hwang, MD.

View this and other interactive features on the multimedia index page.


Patient Page

Heart Failure

Heart Failure

Past JAMA Patient Pages are also freely available in English, Spanish, and French. Advice for Patients is freely available from Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.



Medical Education

JAMA will devote a special theme issue to this topic in September 2009. Submission deadline: May 31, 2009.
