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You are here: Home / Lifecycle Nutrition / Aging 
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Lifecycle Nutrition

Older woman with groceries
For and about seniors, find resources on healthy eating, nutritional challenges related to aging, food safety issues, Meals on Wheels and other assistance programs. Links to organizations focused on aging issues.
General Information and Resources
Dietary Reference Intakes for Older Adults Table  (PDF|170 KB)
Florida International University. National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity & Aging.
MedlinePlus: Nutrition for Seniors
DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.
MedlinePlus: Seniors' Health Issues
DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.
Food Guide Pyramid for Older AdultsModified Food Pyramid for Older Adults
Tufts University. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy.
Printable version (PDF |404 KB) and a Guide to the Pyramid (PDF |420 KB) also available.
Administration on Aging logoUS Administration on Aging
DHHS. Administration on Aging.
Federal focal point and advocate agency for older persons and their concerns, including health and nutrition, and the Elderly Nutrition Program.
Healthy Aging Program
DHHS. CDC. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Find information and links, statistics/research, publications, listserv and more.
National Institute on Aging
DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging.
Resources include publications (including Age Pages and Spanish Language materials), clinical trials, grants & training, and the Resource Directory for Older People.
Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University
USDA. Agricultural Research Service; Tufts University.
Trends in Health and Aging
DHHS. CDC. National Center for Health Statistics.
Older personsYoung at Heart: Tips for Older Adults
DHHS. NIH. NIDDK. Weight-control Information Network.
Also in PDF|12.6 MB and in Spanish.
A Senior's Guide To Good Nutrition
Vegetarian Resource Group.
Aging Well - A Health and Wellness Village for Mature Adults
New York State. Office for the Aging.
Eating Well as You Get Older
DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging.
Older adults can learn how to make wise food choices and can find information about food labels, food safety, meal planning, food shopping, and ways to enhance the enjoyment of eating.
Nutrition After Fifty brochure coverNutrition After Fifty: Tips and Recipes
American Institute for Cancer Research.
Brochure available online, in PDF, or by order.
Nutrition and Aging
Colorado State University Cooperative Extension.
Nutrition for Senior Adults
Virginia Tech; Virginia State University. Virginia Cooperative Extension.
Series of "As You Age ..." articles.
Food and Nutrition Information Center LogoGeneral Nutrition Resource List for Older Adults (2007)  (PDF|329 KB)
USDA. NAL. Food and Nutrition Information Center.
MedlinePlus: Exercise for Seniors
DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.
Exercise for Older Adults
DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging.
Exercise: A Guide from the National Institute on Aging
DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging.
Online in PDF |3.18 MB and in Spanish (PDF|2.62 MB).
Dietary Supplement Use in the Elderly (Current Bibliographies in Medicine 2003-1)
DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.
January 1997 through October 2002, 3445 Citations.
Seniors and Food Safety: Preventing Foodborne Illness
DHHS. FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.
To Your Health! Food Safety for Seniors coverTo Your Health! Food Safety for Seniors
DHHS. FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition; USDA. Food Safety and Inspection Service.
Also in PDF |1.9 MB.
Malnutrition and Seniors: When a Relative Doesn't Eat Enough
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
Healthy Aging: Preventing Disease and Improving Quality of Life Among Older Americans
DHHS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Also available in PDF|223 KB.
Older Americans 2008: Key Indicators of Well-Being
Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics.
Provides updated statistics about the well-being of Americans primarily age 65 and over. The indicators are categorized into five broad areas�population, economics, health status, health risks and behaviors and health care.
Healthy Eating Index Scores Among Adults, 60 Years of Age and Over, by Sociodemographic and Health Characteristics: United States, 1999�2002  (PDF|341 KB)
DHHS. CDC. National Center for Health Statistics.
The Graying of America
USDA. ERS. Food Review.
Series of articles on food and older Americans, including demographics, diet quality, food expenditures, food security, food stamp use, and risk of foodborne disease. (2002)
The Role of Nutrition in Maintaining Health in the Nation's Elderly: Evaluating Coverage of Nutrition Services for the Medicare Population (2000)
Institute of Medicine. Food and Nutrition Board. Committee on Nutrition Services for Medicare Beneficiaries.
Hold the Fries: Older Americans and Food Choices
USDA. ERS. Amber Waves.
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Programs, Associations and Organizations
US Administration on Aging
DHHS. Administration on Aging.
Federal focal point and advocate agency for older persons and their concerns, including health and nutrition, and the Elderly Nutrition Program.
National Institute on Aging
DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging.
Resources include publications (including Age Pages and Spanish Language materials), clinical trials, grants & training, and the Resource Directory for Older People.
Eldercare Locator
DHHS. Administration on Aging.
National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity & Aging
Florida International University. National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity & Aging.
Older womanHuman Nutrition Research Center on Aging
USDA. Agricultural Research Service; Tufts University.
Conducts advanced studies on nutrition and aging with a focus on nutrient requirements and the role nutrition plays in disease prevention and health promotion for older adults.
Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP)
USDA. Food and Nutrition Service.
Provides incentives to States and Tribes for the effective delivery of nutritious meals to older adults.
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
USDA. Food and Nutrition Service.
Center on an Aging Society
Georgetown University. Georgetown Public Policy Institute. Healthy Policy Institute.
Non-partisan public policy institute that fosters critical thinking about the implications of an aging society.
National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs logoNational Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs
Professional membership non-profit organization of persons working in or interested in the field of aging, community-based services, and nutrition and the elderly.
Meals on Wheels Association of America
Meals On Wheels Association of America.
Organization that represents and supports member Meals on Wheels programs with training and professional development, publications, grants and more.
Gerontological Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group
American Dietetic Association.
Provides leadership to dietetics professionals in promoting optimal nutrition, health and wellness, and access to safe and nourishing food for all older adults
Consultant Dietitians in Health Care Facilities Dietetic Practice Group
American Dietetic Association.
Represents nearly 5,000 members of the American Dietetic Association working in wide-ranging areas of the health care arena, including long term care.
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Ethnic and Cultural Resources
Cultural Competency: The Many Faces of Aging
DHHS. Administration on Aging.
Fact sheet on cultural competency and barriers to access for ethnic aging Americans.
National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA)
National Asian Pacific Center on Aging.
National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA)
National Hispanic Council on Aging.
National Indian Council on Aging logoNational Indian Council on Aging
National Indian Council on Aging.
National Resource Center on Native American Aging
University of North Dakota. School of Medicine and Health Science. Center for Rural Health.
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Food Security and Aging
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
USDA. Food and Nutrition Service.
Program awards grants to States, United States territories, and federally-recognized Indian tribal governments to provide low-income seniors with coupons that can be exchanged for eligible foods at farmers� markets, roadside stands, and community supported agriculture programs.
Food Stamps for the Elderly Resource Center
Food Research and Action Center (FRAC).
Includes fact sheets on The Elderly Nutrition Program (PDF|84 KB) and the Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (PDF|125 KB).
Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
USDA. Food and Nutrition Service.
Federal program that provides commodity foods to low-income households, including the elderly, living on Indian reservations, and to Native American families residing in designated areas near reservations.
Seniors' Views of the Food Stamp Program and Ways To Improve Participation�Focus Group Findings in Washington State: Final Report (2002)
USDA. Economic Research Service.
Explores factors that influence Food Stamp Program (FSP) participation among the elderly and identifies ways to improve participation based on findings from focus groups of senior FSP participants and nonparticipants, community-based organizations, and staff from local food stamp offices.

Last Modified: Apr 2, 2009  
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See Also
    US Administration on Aging (AOA)
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