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NWS Spaceflight Meteorology Group

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The Spaceflight Meteorology Group

Staff Information

SMG staffing currently consists of one Meteorologist-In-Charge, 5 lead forecasters, 3 techniques development meteorologists, and an administrative assistant. A small team of MSOC (Mission Support Operations Contract) software and hardware engineers support SMG's McIDAS based weather computer system.

SMG Staff photo July 2008

SMG Staff July 2008

Front row from left to right: Victor Proton, Paul Wahner, Tammi Barreras and Tim Garner
Back row from left to right: Kurt Van Speybroeck, Doris Hood, Brian Hoeth, Tim Oram, Mark Wiley, Richard Lafosse and Frank Brody (Chief)

SMG Staff circa 1995

SMG Staff circa 2004

Some SMG staff members October 2004 with Deputy Secretary of Commerce Ted Kassinger

SMG Staff circa 2005

SMG Staff circa January 2007

SMG Staff December 2007

Administrative Staff
Frank C. Brody - Meteorologist-in-Charge
Tammi Barreras - Administrative Staff Assistant

Lead Forecasters
Tim Garner
Mark Wiley
Tim Oram
Kurt Van Speybroeck
Brian Hoeth

Techniques Development Unit
Doris A. Hood
Victor Proton
Paul Wahner

Weather and Mission Information:
Space Shuttle Forecasts and Observations, JSC / Houston Weather, Tropics and Hurricanes, SMG and Manned Space Flight, Staff, Links, Contact Us, SMG Home
Looking for information about "space weather", sunspots, or solar flares? Visit the NOAA Space Environment Center.

National Weather Service
Spaceflight Meteorology Group
Page last modified: 7 Apr 2009