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You are here: Home / Diet and Disease / Cancer 
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Diet and Disease

National Cancer Institute logoNational Cancer Institute
DHHS. NIH. National Cancer Institute.
Central Web site for the National Cancer Institute (NCI), offers free, credible, current, comprehensive online information about cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, statistics, research, clinical trials, and news, as well as links to other NCI Web sites.
American Cancer Society
American Cancer Society.
Resources include:
  • The Complete Guideā€”Nutrition and Physical Activity
  • Food and Fitness
  • Diet and Nutrition
  • Nutrition for Cancer Patients
  • Nutrition After Treatment Ends
  • Nutrition for Cancer Survivors
  • Nutrition Resource Guide for Cancer Survivors
  • Nutrition for Children with Cancer
  • Divider
    Centers for Disease Control and PreventionCancer
    DHHS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    Find resources on topics, statistics, programs and campaigns, and more.
    Prevent Cancer Foundation
    Prevent Cancer Foundation.
    National, non-profit health foundation with the mission of prevention and early detection of cancer through scientific research and education. Resources include:
  • Your Prevention Plan
  • Educational Materials
  • Divider
    American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)American Institute for Cancer Research
    American Institute for Cancer Research.
    Non-profit organization encourages research on the link between diet and cancer. Resources include:
  • Diet & Cancer Materials
  • The New American Plate
  • Publications
  • Nutrition Hotline
  • Recipe Corner
  • Research Programs
  • Divider
    Nutrition and Cancer
    Canadian Cancer Society.
    MedlinePlus: Cancer
    DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.
    MedlinePlus: Cancer Alternative Therapies
    DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.
    MedlinePlus: Living with Cancer
    DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.
    Nutrition & Cancer
    The University of Texas. MD Anderson Cancer Center.
    News, articles, resources, recipes, links and more.
    Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania. OncoLink.
    Comprehensive information about specific types of cancer, updates on cancer treatments and news about research advances.
    Nutrition Ways
    Arizona Cancer Center.
    Source for diet and nutrition information for patients with cancer, their families, friends, and anyone interested in learning more about the diet-cancer link.
    Diet, Lifestyle and Breast Cancer Risk
    Cornell University. Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors.
    - Fact Sheets
    - Video and Slide Show
    - Bibliography
    Food and flowersEating Hints for Cancer Patients: Before, During, and After Treatment
    DHHS. NIH. National Cancer Institute.
    Also in PDF |498 KB or order a free copy.
    Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cancer Treatment: Questions and Answers
    DHHS. NIH. National Cancer Institute.
    Questions and answers related to complementary and alternative medicine and cancer.

    Last Modified: Apr 30, 2009  
    Diet and Disease
        Allergies and Food Sensitivities
        Digestive Diseases and Disorders
        Eating Disorders
        Heart Health
        Weight and Obesity
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