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Welcome to FCA. We are the independent Federal agency responsible for examining and regulating the Farm Credit System (FCS).

The FCS is a nationwide network of borrower-owned lending institutions and specialized service organizations that provide credit and related services to farmers, ranchers, agricultural cooperatives, and other eligible borrowers.


recent updates

May 8, 2009
Agenda for the May 14 FCA Board meeting

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May 1, 2009
A report containing statistical data on equal employment opportunity complaints filed at FCA as of March 31, 2009, is available. This report complies with requirements of the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act).

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April 30, 2009
The following sections of the FCA Handbook have been updated: FCA Pending Regulations and Notices and FCA Bookletters.

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April 16, 2009
FCA Board Approves Interagency Questions and Answers on Flood Insurance (news release)

A proposed rule to amend rules on FCS bank and association director elections was published in the Federal Register today. The comment period ends on June 15.

The Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation issued a direct final rule amending its premium regulations to reflect amendments of the Farm Credit Act of 1971 that were made by the enactment of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008. The rule was published in the Federal Register yesterday.

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April 3, 2009
Use of State-Chartered Business Entities to Hold Acquired Property (Bookletter)

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April 1, 2009
Information on corporate activity of FCS institutions as of April 1, 2009. Includes table showing the number of FCS banks and associations by type and district and a table showing FCA Board approvals of FCS corporate applications from January 1 to April 1, 2009.

Office of Inspector General's Survey of Farm Credit System Institutions Regarding the Agency's Examination Function, First Quarter Fiscal Year 2009 (PDF, 45 KB, 6 pages)

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March 27, 2009
Remarks by the Honorable Leland A. Strom, Texas Farm Credit Bank Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 27, 2009 (PDF, 34 KB, 5 pages)

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March 25, 2009
Fact Sheet on Director Elections Proposed Rule

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March 20, 2009
FCS major financial indicator data as of December 31, 2008

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March 13, 2009
Notice of Prohibition
(Informational Memorandum)

FCA Board Approves Proposed Rule on Director Elections
(news release)

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March 3, 2009
Financial Institution Rating System
(Informational Memorandum)

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February 24, 2009
Revised Guidelines on Submission of Proposals to Merge or Consolidate Associations
(Informational Memorandum)

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February 23, 2009
Executive Compensation
(Memo from FCA Chairman Leland A. Strom to FCS Boards of Directors)

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February 12, 2009
FCA Board Approves Spring 2009 Unified Agenda, Regulatory Performance Plan (news release)

Spring 2009 Regulatory Performance Plan

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February 6, 2009
Agenda for the February 12 FCA Board meeting

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February 5, 2009
Regulation C Amendments Revising Rules for Reporting Price Information on Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans (Informational Memorandum)

Amendments to the Regulatory Requirements of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Informational Memorandum)

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February 4, 2009
Remarks by the Honorable Leland A. Strom, Farm Credit Council Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, January 27, 2009 (PDF, 24 KB, 6 pages)

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January 30, 2009
FCA Freedom of Information Act Annual Report, FY 2008 (PDF, 132 KB, 15 pages)

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January 27, 2009
Maximum Bank Director Compensation for 2009 (Informational Memorandum)

The final rule to adjust civil money penalties for inflation was published in the Federal Register on January 15 and became effective January 16.

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January 9, 2009
FCA Board Hears Auditor's Report on FCA's FY 2008/2007 Financial Statements (news release)

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January 8, 2009
Recruiting Schedule for Spring 2009

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December 23, 2008
Office of Inspector General's Survey of Farm Credit System Institutions Regarding the Agency's Examination Function, Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year Summary Report (PDF, 103 KB, 9 pages)

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December 22, 2008
Consumer and Borrower Rights Regulatory Compliance Requirements (Informational Memorandum)

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December 16, 2008
Farm Credit Administration Names Director of Congressional and Public Affairs (news release)

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December 12, 2008
FCA Board Approves Final Rule to Adjust Civil Money Penalties (news release)

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November 25, 2008
Disclosure and Accounting Requirements Proposed Rule

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November 24, 2008
Market Emergency Standby Resolution (PDF, 44 KB, 3 pages)

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November 19, 2008
Office of Inspector General Audit of FCA's Financial Statements, FY 2008 (PDF, 427 KB, 10 pages)

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November 14, 2008
Performance and Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2008 (PDF, 2.38 MB, 79 pages)

National Oversight and Examination Program for FY 2009 (Informational Memorandum)

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November 13, 2008
FCA Board Adopts Market Emergency Standby Resolution (news release)

Statement from Chairman Leland A. Strom
(news release)

Office of Inspector General Semiannual Report to the Congress, April 1 through September 30, 2008 (PDF, 298 KB, 23 pages)

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October 31, 2008
Current and Future Challenges
(Memo from FCA Chairman Leland A. Strom to FCS Boards of Directors)

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October 10, 2008
FCA Board Adopts Proposed Rule on Disclosure and Accounting Requirements (news release)

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October 7, 2008
OIG 2008 Evaluation of FCA's Compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act (PDF, 414 KB, 22 pages)

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October 1, 2008
Statement from FCA Chairman Leland A. Strom (news release)

FCA Receives Quarter-End Capital Number from Farmer Mac (news release)

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September 17, 2008
Mission Investments Update (PDF, 15 pages, 2,075 KB)

Third Quarter FY 2008 OIG Report on the Survey of FCS Institutions Regarding the Examination Function (PDF, 8 pages)

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September 11, 2008
FCA Board Approves Bookletter on Director Candidate Disclosures (news release)

Distribution of Director Candidate Information (Bookletter)

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September 5, 2008
FCA has clarified how an FCS institution is to incorporate its board's self-evaluation into its operational and strategic business plan. See item no. 22a in the list of FAQs About Governance Changes in 2006.

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September 3, 2008
Recruiting Schedule for Fall 2008

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August 14, 2008
Notice: The public comment period for the Rural Community Investments proposed rule closes Friday, August 15, 2008.

Office of Inspector General Strategic and Operating Performance Plan, Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010

Fall 2008 Regulatory Performance Plan

FCA Board Approves the Fall 2008 Unified Agenda and Regulatory Performance Plan (news release)

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August 4, 2008
The final rule amending the capital regulations governing Farmer Mac became effective on July 25. The notice of effective date was published in the Federal Register.

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July 22, 2008
The final rule amending the regulation governing the financing of processing and marketing operations by FCS institutions became effective July 17. The notice of effective date was published in the Federal Register.

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July 14, 2008
FCA Board Considers Impact of Midwest Flooding on the Farm Credit System (news release)

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