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Carbon Sequestration
FAQ Information Portal

What is the timeline for accomplishments for the Carbon Capture and Sequestration Program?

Q What is the timeline for accomplishments for the Carbon Capture and
Sequestration Program?
  Carbon Sequestration Program Goal


Since its inception 10 years ago, NETL's Carbon Sequestration Program has been moving Carbon Capture and Sequestration technology forward to enable its cost-effective use in meeting any future greenhouse gas emissions reduction requirements. The first decade has significantly advanced the knowledge base pertaining to CO2 separation,
geologic and terrestrial sequestration, regulations
and permitting, and process economics.

To guide the Carbon Sequestration Program, the following initial technology goal was established, “To develop by 2012, fossil fuel conversion systems that offer 90 percent CO2 capture with 99 percent storage permanence at less than a 10 percent increase in the cost of energy services.” By simultaneously exploring a number of related research pathways, the many challenges confronting carbon sequestration can be overcome. A detailed timeline including a variety of additional goals will guide future research.


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