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National Conference on Drug Abuse Prevention Research:
Presentations, Papers, and Recommendations


Day 2 Plenary Session

Introductory Remarks

Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D.
National Institute on Drug Abuse

National Conference on Drug Abuse Prevention Research

I have been thinking all morning about how to introduce Elaine Johnson to the prevention community. The truth is, you don't; you just say, "Elaine Johnson is going to be our speaker." Everybody knows her. But I do want to say a couple of things because I think it is important that they be said in this environment.

We have been talking for the last couple of days about the need to integrate research and practice in a bidirectional mode where research informs practice and practice informs research continuously. I can think of no one who embodies that better than Elaine Johnson. I am particularly happy to have Elaine open our second day because of her perspective as someone who has provided leadership in research, leadership in prevention service concept, and leadership in prevention service delivery.

I think most people know Elaine's long and distinguished career, but let me remind everybody that she comes from NIDA. Elaine Johnson is unquestionably one of the most important leaders in the drug abuse field in this country, having served in the Federal Government at the highest levels for 20 years. She has been the deputy director of NIDA and the director of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention; and don't forget her heroic and important national leadership as the acting director of SAMHSA.

We work together a lot, and I like it on multiple levels. I like it personally, because everybody in the country likes Elaine Johnson. And it has been extremely instructive for me. I have learned a tremendous amount from Elaine, as all of us have, and I have learned a tremendous amount from our collaboration and cooperation.

It is truly a pleasure and an honor for me to introduce our speaker, Elaine Johnson.

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