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This section links to resources that provide practical, useful information for healthy living as well as motivational messages to inspire positive health changes.
MyPyramidMyPyramid Tracker
USDA. Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion.
This practical tool lets you track and score your eating and activity habits. Gives tips for making healthy changes.
30 MyPyramid Steps to a Healthier You  (PDF|549 KB)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension.
30-day calendar of tips for daily small steps to improve health and lifestyle.
Brighten Up With Breakfast  (PDF|178 KB)
Clemson University.
Why is breakfast important? This brief fact sheet tells you why and has ideas for quick breakfasts.
Nutrition for Everyone: Nutrition Basics
DHHS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Learn about some basic nutrition concepts to help you sort through nutrition research and dietary advice.
Life in the Fast Food Lane: Are You Living in the Fast Lane?
Ohio State University Extension Service. Family and Consumer Sciences.
Fact sheet on healthier fast foods, including sample menus that incorporate typical fast foods.
American Heart Association logoHeart Healthy Tips for Dining Out
American Heart Association.
Get tips for making healthy selections at ethnic restaurants including French, Italian, Chinese, Greek, Cajun, and more.
Department of Health and Human Services.
Provides inspiration and practical guidance for adopting a healthy lifestyle. Helps you take gradual steps with tips, recipes and a newsletter. Success stories inspire by telling how others have made positive changes. Other sections are for teens and adults, and kids. Also in Spanish.
Ask the Dietitian
Ask the Dietitian.
Provides answers to frequently asked questions on various topics of nutrition.
Packaged fishEating Fish: Health Benefits and Risks
Journal of the American Medical Association.
A summary of the health benefits and potential risks of eating fish done in conjunction with a scientific review that concluded that, overall, the healthy benefits of eating fish far outweigh the potential risks.
A Bushel of Reasons to Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables
North Dakota State University Extension Service.

Last Modified: Apr 30, 2009  
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					  Eating Smart
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    Consumer Corner's Do-It-Yourself Page
    Consumer Corner's Pyramid Page
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