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Archive for the ‘Funding Resources’ Category

Year 04 Funding Announced

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

The NN/LM SE/A is pleased to announce the availability of funding for contract year 04. SE/A members may apply for funding to conduct outreach, technology improvement, training, exhibiting, planning or assessment, hospital library promotion, and digitization projects. See for more information. Additional funding opportunities may be announced later this year. Stay tuned to SEA Currents.

If you have any questions during the application process, please contact the NN/LM SE/A Office at 800-338-7657 or email me or one of the SE/A outreach coordinators.

CLIR Requests Proposals for Hidden Collections Grants

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

The deadline for submission of the pre-proposal is Monday, June 15, 2009, 11:59 pm Eastern time.

  • Pre-proposals must be submitted by email to
  • In the subject line of the email, please include the name of the applicant institution and the words “Hidden Collections Pre-Proposal.”

Pre-proposals will be returned to applicants with comments by Tuesday, August 4, 2009. These will be sent by e-mail to the Principal Investigator listed in the pre-proposal form.

The online application system for final proposals will be opened to applicants who have submitted pre-proposals on July 1, 2009. Final proposals must be submitted via the program’s online application system by Friday, September 4, 2009, 11:59 pm Eastern time.

All applicants will be notified of their status by November 30, 2009.

CLIR Requests Proposals for Hidden Collections Grants

The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) has opened the second application period for its Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives grant program. Information about the program, deadlines, and links to the online application and guidelines are available at

CLIR expects to award about $4 million in grants that range from $75,000 to $500,000. A review panel will evaluate proposals and select award recipients. Recipients will be notified in November 2009, and applicants may begin their projects at any time between December 1, 2009, and March 1, 2010.

The program will award funds to institutions holding collections of high scholarly value that are difficult or impossible to locate through finding aids. Award recipients will create descriptive information for their hidden collections that will be linked to and interoperable with all other projects funded by this grant, to form a federated environment that can be built upon over time. Funding for the program comes from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Questions about the program may be directed to Amy Lucko (

NN/LM SE/A Beyond the SEA Web Conference: A discussion of funding from NN/LM and NLM’s Division of Extramural Programs

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
12:00 Noon - 1:00 pm (EST)

Join us for presentations and question/answer sessions from Janice Kelly, Executive Director of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Southeastern Atlantic Region and Hua-Chun Sim, MD, Program Officer, Division of Extramural Programs at NLM. Ms. Kelly and Dr. Sim will discuss funding opportunities available to Network members from both NN/LM and NLM.

For more information and how to connect, please see

National Library of Medicine (NLM) Applied Informatics Grants

Friday, April 24th, 2009

NLM has announced applied informatics grants for health-related and scientific organizations that aim to optimize the utility and use of clinical and research information. These grants are for organizations that wish to exploit the capabilities of information technology to bring usable, useful biomedical knowledge to end users by translating the findings of informatics and information science research into practice through novel or enhanced systems and services. NLM anticipates making 35 awards and spending approximately 800,000.00 to support this program. Awards are contingent upon the availability of funds and the submission of a sufficient number of meritorious applications. For the full opportunity, visit the ( National Institutes of Health website.

The closing date for applications is July 1, 2009.

Final Call for Outreach Projects

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

Friday, April 17 is the deadline for applying for an outreach project in the May, 2009-April 2010 contract year.  If you are interested, please see  If all approved budget funding is not used, we will have another call sometime during the contract year but don’t delay, all money could be obligated by the end of May.  Full proposals will not due unless your project application is accepted.

Express awards will be open for applications sometime in May. These awards fund smaller outreach projects and various technology, training, exhibit, digitization projects.

If you have questions, please call one of the outreach coordinators in the SE/A Office - 1-800-338-7657.

HIV/AIDS Community Information Outreach Projects 2009 (NLM-09-078/SES)

Monday, April 13th, 2009

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce the solicitation of quotations from organizations and libraries to design and conduct projects that will improve access to HIV/AIDS related health information for patients, the affected community, and their caregivers.

Projects must involve one or more of the following information access categories:

  • Information retrieval
  • Skills development
  • State-of-the-art resources
  • Resource development
  • Document Access.

Emphasis is placed upon the following types of organizations or arrangements for developing these programs:

  • Community-based organizations (CBOs) or patient advocacy groups currently providing HIV/AIDS related serves to the affected community
  • Public libraries serving communities in the provision of HIV/AIDS-related information and resources
  • Health departments or other local, municipal, or state agencies working to improve public health
  • Faith-based organizations currently providing HIV/AIDS-related services
  • Multi-type consortia of the above-listed organizations that may be in existence or formed specifically for this project.

Standard Awards are offered for up to $60,000; Express Awards are offered for up to $10,000.

Quotations are due to NLM on Monday, June 1, 2009

The solicitation for the 2009 HIV/AIDS Community Information Outreach Projects is posted at

Please share this information with your colleagues.

Primary Point of Contact:

Shari E. Shor, Contract Specialist
Phone: 301-435-4388
Fax: 301-402-0642

Secondary Point of Contact:
Robin D. Hope-Williams, Contracting Officer
Phone: 301-435-4379
Fax: 301-402-8169

Outreach Project Awards Application Reminder

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

Reminder: Applications for outreach project awards are due by April 17, 2009. See for more details.

Native American Library Services: Enhancement Grants

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

Deadline: May 1, 2009

Enhancement Grants support projects to enhance existing, or implement new, library services, particularly as they relate to the goals of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages are eligible to apply for the Enhancement Grants only if they have applied for a Native American Library Services Basic Grant in the same fiscal year. For more information, please go to:

The 2009 Michael E. DeBakey Library Services Outreach Award

Friday, March 20th, 2009

Nomination Information

The Michael E. DeBakey Library Services Outreach Award for Outstanding Service to Rural or Underserved Communities was established in the early 1990s to recognize the contributions to medical education and librarianship by Michael E. DeBakey, M.D. and to honor a practicing health sciences librarian who serves in such a community.

This year’s award is especially important to honor and serve as a reminder of the incredible advances and medical innovations of Dr. DeBakey who passed away in 2008. His great accomplishments have inspired an award to recognize an outstanding individual making history and a lasting impact today.

The recipient of the Michael E. DeBakey Library Services Outreach Award is publicly recognized at the FNLM Awards Dinner on May 5th, 2009. The Dinner is in memory of FNLM past Chairman, “Mr. Health,” Paul G. Rogers and will celebrate leadership in public health and medicine.


  • Nominees must be currently employed as a health sciences librarian and have worked in such a position for at least five years immediately preceding the award.
  • The nomination may be made for contributions by the librarian as demonstrated by excellence and achievement in leadership, publications, teaching, research, special projects or any combination of these.
  • Nominations must be in writing and contain at least the following elements:
    • The official nomination form
    • A precise description of the nominee’s achievements
    • A current resume or curriculum vitae
    • Any additional information that would assist the jury in the evaluation of the nomination and selection of the recipient.
  • Self-nominations are accepted and encouraged.
  • The recipient will be notified by April 13th, 2009, and the award will be presented at the FNLM Annual Dinner on May 5th, 2009.
  • All nominations must be received by March 30, 2009 at the following address:

    Friends of the National Library of Medicine
    c/o Julie Fagnani
    2801 M Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20007

For more information or inquiries regarding the Michael E. DeBakey Library Services Outreach Award, please contact Julie Fagnani at

State Action: Evaluating the Healthy People 2020 Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Agenda Project - RFP Available

Monday, March 16th, 2009

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, in collaboration with the Regional Health Administrators, is pleased to announce a request for proposals for the State Action: Evaluating the Healthy People 2020 Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Agenda project. Funded by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, this project is being administered by John Snow, Incorporated (JSI).

This evaluation project will fund state, territorial, and tribal governments to conduct innovative and participatory strategic planning activities, with an emphasis on multi-sector collaboration, using the Healthy People 2020 framework and population health improvement concepts (i.e., Healthy People 2020 mission and overarching goals; social, physical, and environmental determinants of health; and health equity). Up to 12 projects, taking place between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010, will be funded at a maximum award of $37,000 each.

Eligible applicants that can apply for this funding opportunity are listed below:

  • State and territorial health departments (this includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianna Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau).
  • Federally recognized Indian tribes, tribal organizations, tribal epidemiology centers, and urban Indian organizations.

This evaluation program is intended to enhance existing or planned state, territorial, and tribal activities to develop a Healthy People plan based on the national Healthy People 2020 framework and objectives. The project will evaluate ways these eligible entities apply the Healthy People 2020 framework to their planning activities. Examples of possible activities include:

  • Facilitated meetings for multi-sectoral decision makers to engender buy-in and support
  • Technical assistance in identifying measures around social determinants of health
  • Development of products and information media regarding Healthy People 2020 activities
  • Web-based applications to support Healthy People 2020 plans

The application deadline is Monday, April 27, 2009.

For more details and to download the request for proposal forms please visit For questions, please contact Ann Loeffler at JSI at 1.800.839.0934 or email her at