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February 18, 2009
Marine Accident Report – Allision of Hong Kong-Registered Containership M/V Cosco Busan with the Delta Tower of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, San Francisco, California, November 7, 2007

Board Meeting Agenda
February 18, 2009

Allision of M/V Cosco Busan
with the Delta Tower of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge
San Francisco, California, November 7, 2007

Introduction: Jack Spencer

1. Accident Overview, Engineering & Hwy Factors: Tom Roth-Roffy

    1. Factual:  Pages 1-11, 36-38 (damages), 49-55 (vessel info), 56-61 (bridge), 113-119 (tests and research), 137-140 (bunker fuel tanks)
    2. Analysis:  Pages 149-151 (exclusions), 121-152 (bridge), 222-223 (prevention of oil spills)
    3. Conclusions:  Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 30
    4. Recommendations:  None

2. Performance of the Pilot and the Master: Rob Jones

  1. Factual:  Pages 1-14 (events) 55-56 (waterway), 61-68 (personnel info), 100-103 (safety management system), 104-106 (master/pilot info exchange and BRM)
  2. Analysis:  Pages 152-159, 170-179
  3. Conclusions:  Nos. 5, 9, 10
  4. Recommendations:  None

3. Influences on The Performance of Pilot and Master: Barry Strauch

  1. Factual:  Pages 61-68 Pages personnel info
  2. Analysis:  Pages 159-161 (pilot fatigue), 166-168 (substance dependence), 179-184 (master experience & cultural differences)
  3. Conclusions:  Nos. 6, 8, 9, 11
  4. Recommendations: USCG: 1

4. Medical History & Effects of Medications: Mitch Garber

  1. Factual:  Pages 63-66 (pilot medical history)
  2. Analysis:  Pages  161-170 (medical conditions and medications)
  3. Conclusions:  No. 8
  4. Recommendations:  None

5. Pilot Oversight: Barry Strauch

  1. Factual: Pages 75-84 (medical requirements), 84-100 (pilot oversight), 119 (pilot association), 140-143 (medical review)
  2. Analysis: Pages 193-205, 220-221
  3. Conclusions:  Nos. 12 (crew drug testing), 17-21, 29
  4. Recommendations:  USCG: 4, 5, APA: 1

6. Corporate Oversight: Barry Strauch

  1. Factual: Pages 41-49
  2. Analysis: Pages 205-210
  3. Conclusions:  Nos. 22, 23, 24
  4. Recommendations:  Fleet Management Ltd.: 1, 2

7. Vessel Traffic Service: Larry Bowling

  1. Factual: Pages 106-113 (VTS), 119-121 (VTS postaccident actions), 122-124 (harbor safety committee)
  2. Analysis: Pages 184-189 (performance of VTS), 189-192 (influences on VTS performance)
  3. Conclusions:  Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16
  4. Recommendations:  USCG: 2, 3

8. Environmental Response: Crystal Thomas

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