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Having Trouble getting Your DOCLINE Receipts on One Page?

Try adjusting the default bottom page margin to 0.50″. You can also adjust the top, left, and right margin settings if needed. In Internet Explorer 7.x, from the printer icon on the command bar, select page setup. In Internet Explorer 6.x and Firefox 2.x, select file, page setup.

Note: You may be limited by your printer as to how small you can make the margins.

Try adjusting the text size smaller. (View, text size)

Another fix involved installing the barcode font. The barcode prints in less vertical space than the ‘text only’ equivalent. See instructions for downloading the barcode font at, or click on the help link at the top of the DOCLINE screen.

If only the browser footer prints on the second page, you can modify the header and footer settings to remove either or both. In Internet Explorer 7.x, from the printer icon on the command bar, select page setup. In Internet Explorer 6.x, select file, page setup. Delete the entries in the header and footer fields. In Firefox, select file, page setup. Click on the margins and header/footer tab and then click in the header and footer fields and select –blank– using the pull down arrow.

This information was taken from the FAQ at:

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