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  Frequently Asked Questions and Facts Index   "L/M"


MargayThe following alphabetical index is to help you quickly find the answer to general permit questions. The keywords lead you to frequently asked questions and their answer, as well as links to fact sheets and specific web pages.


[A]  [B]  [C]  [D]  [E]  [F/G/H]  [I/J/K]  [N/O/P/Q]  [R]  [S]  [T/U/V/W/X/Y/Z]


Keyword – L/M


Landowners, Private

Candidate Conservation Agreements

Habitat Conservation Plans and Incidental Take Permits

Permits for Native Species

Safe Harbor Agreements

Leopard, African

Import of a Sport-hunted Trophy


What about shipping live animals and plants?  Permits for the shipment of CITES-listed live animals or plants may be issued only when the applicant demonstrates that the specimen will be humanely shipped.  Live animal shipments must meet the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Live Animals Regulations or the CITES guidelines for transport.  In addition, the import of live mammals and birds must meet the humane shipment regulations at 50CFR14 sections 101-172.


International Affairs Mahogany Website

Marine Mammals

Fact Sheet

Medicinal Plants

Do I need a permit to import or export medicinal plants and their products?  Check the CITES and ESA list to see if the medicinal plant is listed and needs a permit to be imported or exported.  CITES medicinal plants are usually annotated (have a footnote) with a description of what parts, products, and derivatives are regulated.  Click here for a CITES fact sheet and an ESA fact sheet. Check with APHIS and the State to meet their requirements.

Migratory Birds

Authorized Activities

Multiple Permit Uses

Are permits ever issued in combination with one another?  Yes, if you intend to combine permitted activities, contact the permit office on the top of the application. You may be issued a single permit to cover more than one permitted activity if appropriate.

Musuem Permit (Export and Re-import under the ESA)

What is a museum permit? This type of permit authorizes the export and re-import of specimens listed under U.S. Endangered Species Act (except bald eagles) that are already accessioned into a U.S. museum or scientific institution. These permits were designed to facilitate the movement of museum collections of species listed under the ESA between scientists or scientific institutions for research or other activities that would serve to enhance the survival of the species. Movement of specimens accessioned into museum or scientific collections will not jeopardize the continued existence of the listed species in the wild. This is a required finding under the ESA. Click here for a museum permit application. The museum permit does not authorize the first-time import of specimens. You need a separate ESA permit to import these specimens.

Permits - FAQ's Page Footer

CITES:    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
BGEPA:  Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
ESA:       Endangered Species Act
MBTA:    Migratory Bird Treaty Act
MMPA:   Marine Mammal Protection Act
WBCA:   Wild Bird Conservation Act

For additional information, visit the Fish and Wildlife Service's Frequently Asked Questions web site.