Aliviane, Inc. is a minority operated, private, non-profit (501)(C)(3), community-based organization that was incorporated in 1970 and is headquartered in El Paso, Texas. The agency is dedicated to the provision of behavioral health prevention, intervention, treatment, education, and follow-up care to the residents of El Paso County, Texas, and other areas of the U.S. As a non-profit organization, quality services must be provided in an affordable manner to all residents.

Our goals are to provide a broad range of services within the context of a strong community support network, using a variety of therapeutic approaches and settings designed to meet the individual needs of clients. Our approach to treatment includes involvement of the family and comprehensive rehabilitation of the individual, including addressing issues such as education, job skills/vocational training, social/cultural enrichment, recreational/leisure outlets, nurturing/parenting, self-esteem, health/nutrition, and transitional housing. Aliviane’s purpose is to prevent and treat chemical dependency and the critical life problems connected to substance abuse.



Aliviane, Inc., exists to provide a comprehensive and integrated continuum of accessible, affordable, and high quality behavioral health interventions, treatment and education services for the people of El Paso County and its surrounding areas.



In an effort to fulfill our Mission the agency has organized its services around the following ideals:

  • The answer to the drug problem begins with the education of our children.
  • The interests of the community are best served if chemically dependent individuals are rehabilitated and restored as productive members of our society.
  • The entire community shares responsibility for improving the health and quality of life among all its members.
  • Every agency, institution, and citizen must collaborate to solve this society’s drug problem.

    The entire community will benefit from measures that reduce the use and abuse of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs, and the spread of infectious diseases.


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