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Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA)
Reference Shelf
This page provides links to SECA and fuel cell related documents and reference materials. To order a SECA or Handbook CD, please access the NETL CD Ordering System.
Workshop Proceedings and Peer Reviews
2008 SECA 9th Annual Workshop & Peer Review CD Cover

The SECA program hosts many workshops and events throughout the year.  The proceedings for these events can easily be assessed through the link in blue given above. CDs are available for most workshops.

Fuel Cell Handbook, Seventh Edition
November 2004
Fuel Cell Handbook, Seventh Edition

The Fuel Cell Handbook [PDF-5MB, CD Available]  provides a foundation in fuel cells for persons wanting a better understanding of the technology, its benefits, and the systems issues that influence its application. Trends in technology are discussed, including next-generation concepts that promise ultra-high efficiency and low cost, while providing exceptionally clean power plant systems.

SECA Brochure
September 2008
SECA Brochure

This brochure [PDF-619KB] describes the Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA) that is forging government/industry partnerships to reduce the cost of fuel cells and to develop fuel cell coal-based systems for clean and efficient power generation. The program's primary goal is to deploy fuel cells in near-zero emission coal plants, capturing 99 percent of the carbon, greatly reducing water requirements, and maintaining low energy costs.

Distributed Generation Brochure
June 2003
Distributed Generation Brochure

This brochure [PDF-1.4MB] describes the DOE Office of Fossil Energy Distributed Generation program.  An introduction and overview of the program are presented, along with a description of the program benefits, technical challenges, and market drivers.  An overview of each of the program elements—SECA, Hybrids, HiTEC, and Ramgen—is also provided.

HiTEC Brochure

This brochure [PDF-401KB] describes the High Temperature Electrochemistry Center research program.  The mission of the Center, the areas of research and emphasis and the link to FutureGen and other advanced power systems are discussed.

HiTEC Brochure

Other SECA and Fuel Cell Related Documents

Fuel Cell Newsletter
The Fuel Cell Connection

Together with the U. S. Fuel Cell Council, and the National Fuel Cell Research Center, the DOE sponsors the development and distribution of a nationally recognized fuel cell monthly electronic newsletter—the Fuel Cell Connection. For a chronological listing of this newsletter, click on this link:

Fuel Cell System Studies
The SECA program commissions several studies throughout the year to study new technology system designs and processes, the impact of new or emerging policy or regulation on technology programs, and the environmental, economic, and energy security benefits of emerging technologies.
Distributed Generation System Studies
These studies are listing in order of completion, starting with the most recent.

Relevant Coal Gasification and Cleanup Reports
These are listed in order of completion, starting with the most recent.
