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Geeks Bearing Gifts: Unwrapping New Technology Trends - Online Class Now Accepting Registrants

The Southeastern Atlantic and Greater Midwest regions of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine are now accepting registrants for the online version of “Geeks Bearing Gifts: Unwrapping New Technology Trends.”

Geeks Bearing Gifts: Unwrapping New Technology Trends Online is intended to provide an introduction to and update on today’s hottest technology trends with an emphasis on social media and collaboration. Participants will be able to identify technology trends and understand how these trends will affect or can be integrated into traditional library services. Some of the topics to be covered include RSS, spyware, developments in mobile computing, blogs and wikis, social bookmarking and more. Participants completing this course will be able to:

  • Identify the precepts of the social web (i.e. Web 2.0, Library 2.0)
  • Recognize and evaluate web-based tools for deployment in user’s environment
  • Evaluate and select web-based tools for dissemination of information and for assessing information for personal and professional uses
  • Employ web-based tools for online collaboration

This month long distance learning opportunity includes a course shell you may access 24/7 during the month to complete readings, forum discussions and assignments at your own pace. Additionally, there will be 3 real time teleconferences held via Adobe Connect. The introductory session will be held on November 13 from 2-3 PM ET, 3-4 PM CT. This session will introduce Moodle, the platform upon which the class is hosted. The mid-session teleconference will be held on December 4 from 2-3 PM ET, 3-4 PM CT. The class wrap up teleconference will be held on Dec 18 from 2-3 PM ET, 3-4 PM CT. Participants will have until January 8 to complete their assignments.

There will be no assignments during Thanksgiving week.

To register, please contact Dale Prince by e-mail at if you are in the SE/A Region. If you are in the Greater Midwest Region, please contact Max Anderson at

This class is worth 8 MLA CE hours and is limited to 15 participants per region on a first come, first serve basis. All others will be placed on a waiting list for the next time the class will be taught.

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