WAVE Sightings

Date August 21, 2008

Wow! What a great Summit. If you were one of the over 3,000 people in attendance, thank you for coming! It was incredible. If you were not able to attend, never fear, the dates of next year’s Summit are August 12th-14th, 2009. Registration will open in either May or June so be sure to check back often.

If you haven’t expereinced Celebrate Recovery yet, make sure you check out the “Find a Group” section to find a group in your area. Remember Celebrate Recovery is for anyone with a hurt, hang-up or a habit! There’s no reason to go through life alone, check out Celebrate Recovery today!

If you’re a leader in Celebrate Recovery and you missed the Summit this year, we talked alot about the WAVE of growth that Celebrate Recovery is going to experince this year. In the next few weeks we’ll be posting some WAVE Sightings about how God is using this ministry world-wide!

Whether you’re brand new to Celebrate Recovery or if you’ve been around for a long time now, we know that these WAVE Sightings will encourage and inspire you as you walk the Road to Recovery.

Check back soon for more WAVE Sightings!

Upcoming Conferences

Date August 3, 2008

If you haven’t been to a One Day conference yet, we’ve got four dates for the fall coming up.

Starting in Springfield, MA on October 11th and continuing through November 15th in Dallas, TX.

All four of our Fall One Day Seminars offer both the Seven Keys and the Advanced Leadership Training Seminars.

Registration is now open for all four dates. Register soon as these fill up quick.

Click here to register.

Welcome to the New and Improved Celebrate Recovery Website

Date March 10, 2008

We’re so thrilled with our new site! We think you’re going to really enjoy it. Take some time to look around and see what’s new.

  •  Here on the “Home” page we’ll be posting stories and news items to keep you updated on what’s going on with Celebrate Recovery.  Check back often to get the latest information.
  • On the “About” page you can read Pastor John’s (the founder of Celebrate Recovery) testimony, a message from Pastor Rick Warren, the Eight Principles and more.
  • On the “Conferences” page you can read information about the three different kinds of seminars we offer and find out which one’s right for you.
  • If you’re looking for any of the Celebrate Recovery resources, click on the “Resource” tab. There you’ll find links to take you to where you need to go.
  • If you’re looking for a group, click on the “Find a Group” tag. This will take you to a list of States, then cities and finally to the Celebrate Recovery groups we know about and that are safe places for you to go.

Enjoy the new site!