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ATR National Scientific User Facility

In accordance with the Energy Policy act of 2005, the Department of Energy designated the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) as a National Scientific User Facility in April 2007 to support U.S. leadership in nuclear science and technology. By attracting new research users - universities, laboratories, and industry - the ATR will support basic and applied nuclear research and development, further President Bush's Advanced Energy Initiative, and advance the nation's energy security needs.

ATR NSUF is presenting Users Week 2009, June 1-5 at INL

The ATR NSUF is presenting Users Week 2009 June 1-5 at Idaho National Laboratory, focusing on materials, fuels, irradiation testing and post irradiation examination. The program is intended for researchers from industry, national laboratories and students, faculty and post-docs. The program will include a discussion of current research projects at the NSUF, potential university collaborations and potential university/laboratory/industry collaborations. To register for Users Week 2009, click here.

INL kicks off first university experiment in Advanced Test Reactor

In collaboration with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a pilot project testing candidate materials for the next generation of nuclear reactors recently fired up at Idaho National Laboratory. The experiment is the first in a series of partnerships between INL's Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility and academic researchers across the country. More than 500 samples of materials will be irradiated in the ATR with neutrons for two years, replicating the high-temperature, radioactive exposure they would received in an advanced nuclear power reactor. Read More

ATR NSUF Newsletter looks at university experiments to be tested at Idaho National Laboratory facilities

Four university experiments, selected in the initial solicitation for proposals earlier this year, will be irradiated and/or examined by the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility.
A Special Issue of the ATR NSUF Newsletter looks at the four experiments including what the tests will look at, what the experimenters hope to learn. Read More

NSUF opens next proposal solicitation period

The Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility has opened the window for universities to submit the next round of experiment proposals. Read More

University research capabilities can become ATR NSUF assets

Universities with facilities that can expand the research capabilities of the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility now can become strategic partners with the User Facility. Read More

University nuclear experiments selected for Idaho National Laboratory testing

Four university-led teams will perform nuclear materials research experiments in INL's Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) this year. Read More

ATR User Facility director Dr. Todd Allen talks about his views and goals for the NSUF

Todd Allen, professor of engineering physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is the new scientific director at the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility. During his initial visit to INL, after his selection, he sat down to talk about his views of and goals for the NSUF. Read More

Video excerpts from interview with Dr. Todd Allen, ATR National Scientific User Facility director

Excerpts from Dr. Todd Allen's interview about his views and goals for the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility. Watch the video. ( 8.4MB WMV)

ATR: Roles and Capabilities Video

A brief look at the role, responsibilities and capabilities of the ATR as a National Scientific User Facility. Watch the video. ( 7.6MB WMV)

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