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Professional Development Award

National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Greater Midwest Region

Professional Development Award Application

Applications will be accepted from NN/LM GMR members. Please see for details about membership.

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  1. LIBID
  2. Project manager name
  3. Name of network member Institution. Do not use the / character in the name.
  4. Mailing address
  5. Day time telephone number (e.g., 555-555-5555)
  6. Email address (e.g.,
  7. PROPOSAL: Please include here a brief explanation of how the money will be used. Include a specific statement of the programs, benefits, and/or projects to be achieved for your library through this award.
  8. BUDGET: Please specify here the items, with dollar amounts, to be covered by the award, up to a total of $1,500.
  9. Total Amount Requested:
  10. Award should be made payable to what institution (e.g. Midtown Regional Medical Center)?
  11. REPORT BACK: Describe here briefly how you will share information on your project/program (e.g. report, article for The Cornflower, the GMR blog, presentation).

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