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Deadline: August 15, 2009

Electronic Fund Transfer System Award

Call for Applications (CFAs)

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Greater Midwest Region (NN/LM GMR), under contract with the National Library of Medicine (NLM), announces the availability of Electronic Fund Transfer System (EFTS) Awards for network members.

The GMR plans to fund 100 awards for up to $200 in the 2009/2010 contract year (May 2009-April 2010). If you have questions regarding this award or require assistance with the application, contact . Email Charniel or send an email to Graphic of email address. To contact the GMR by phone, call 1-800-338-7657 and press one (1) for the Regional Network Office.

Award recipients will be publicized in The Cornflower, the GMR blog.


The purpose of the EFTS award is to promote participation in EFTS among DOCLINE participants and to improve the ease and cost-effectiveness of resource sharing throughout the region. The EFTS Award creates opportunities for non-EFTS libraries to receive initial funding to join the program and for current EFTS members to receive funding to continue their resource sharing efforts. Non-EFTS libraries may request up to $200 in starter funds. Current EFTS members may request up to $200 in continuing funds. All funds will be distributed directly from NN/LM GMR and deposited to EFTS in the name of the applicant.


Proposals will be accepted from NN/LM GMR Full members.

Application Submission Requirements

The respondent should complete the EFTS Award Application online. Attachments, such as letters of support should be attached to an email in an electronic format. Send the email with attachments to the following address: Graphic of email address. Please state "EFTS" and include your LIBID in the subject line of the email.

The GMR staff will respond to your application and provide notification of awards within 4 weeks of the application deadline. Applications are due by August 15, 2009.

Application Review Process

Applications will be reviewed by GMR staff. Applications will be notified of a decision within 4 weeks of application deadline.

Evaluation Criteria

Libraries will be evaluated on:
  • Overall stated need for funding,
  • Frequency of for-cost borrowing,
  • The use of funds to promote library services to new user groups,
  • Promotion of EFTS to non-EFTS libraries,
  • Level of commitment from applicant's administration to support the continuation of the EFTS account,
  • Likelihood that the funds requested will be expended within 18 months.
Priority will be given to non-EFTS libraries.

Additional Requirements

Non-EFTS libraries will be responsible for creating an account with EFTS ahead of funds being sent to EFTS.

A final report, parts of which may be used for an article in The Cornflower, the GMR blog, must be submitted within 6 months of receipt of funds. The report should address the population served by the resource sharing funds; possible impacts of funding on library services or perception of library services by institution staff; continuation of EFTS membership; and administrator's perceptions of EFTS.

Recipients agree to allow the NN/LM GMR to republish reports. Reports must be submitted to Graphic of email address.

Publications Resulting from NN/LM Funded Projects

As of April 7, 2008, final peer-reviewed manuscripts arising from NIH funds must be submitted to PubMed Central upon acceptance for publication. The NIH Public Access Policy ( External Link Indicator) ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH funded research. It requires scientists to submit final peer-reviewed journal manuscripts that arise from NIH funds to the digital archive PubMed Central ( External Link Indicator) upon acceptance for publication.

To help advance science and improve human health, the Policy ( External Link Indicator) requires that these papers are accessible to the public on PubMed Central no later than 12 months after publication. The NIH Public Access site should be consulted for additional information: ( External Link Indicator).

508 Compliance

If a website is developed under this award, the website must adhere to Section 508 compliance. Resources for this compliance include the National Library of Medicine Web Applications/Site Development Guidelines ( External Link Indicator) and Summary of Section 508 Standards ( External Link Indicator).

Credit Statement

The awardee shall acknowledge the support of the National Library of Medicine whenever publicizing the work under this award in any media by including an acknowledgment substantially as follows:

This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. under Contract No. N01-LM-6-3503 with the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Link Indicator This icon designates a link outside the NN/LM GMR Web site and indicates a non-GMR hosted resource.