EHP International Program

Journal Partnerships

International journal partnerships that foster scientific exchange further the shared scientific goals and missions of each partner through wider dissemination of scientific information to new audiences. Marketing benefits include an enhanced credibility of each partner—both journals benefit from increased visibility by providing reciprocal presence and recognition on websites and in advertisements.

EHP journal partnerships are very flexible. Possibilities include a partner journal using EHP materials in training and education programs, or bundling of partner and EHP content to provide increased value to their readership. Either partner might propose to co-publish research papers, meeting reports, or reviews. Partners might also decide to exchange editorial board appointments to allow better understanding of journal activities and access to processes.

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva (CSC)
As a journal capacity-building effort, the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, EHP, and CSC developed a partnership in 2004. CSC is a quarterly public health journal published in Brazil by the Associação Brasileira de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva (Brazilian Association of Public Health; ABRASCO) and indexed in Medline. As a component of the partnership, CSC translates abstracts of selected EHP review articles into Portuguese for subsequent republication in print and electronic form. EHP and CSC provide reciprocal links on their websites. Through collaboration with Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, EHP has worked with CSC to enhance the quality of CSC's publication and to provide guidance in the process of becoming a Medline-indexed journal.

Ciencia y Trabajo (C&T)
In 2003, EHP joined with the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and the Fundación Científica y Tecnológica, Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (Chilean Security Association; ACHS), to transform C&T, a local publication, into a high-quality regional Latin American journal devoted to occupational and environmental health. Each quarterly edition of C&T includes Spanish translations of selected EHP news articles. EHP and C&T provide reciprocal links on their websites.

Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine (JEOM)
JEOM is a bimonthly environmental and occupational health journal published by the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention (SCDC), China. SCDC and EHP have jointly published EHP Chinese Edition since 2004.

Mali Médical (MM)
MM is a quarterly medical journal published in Mali by the Société de Médecine du Mali. Both EHP and MM provide reciprocal links on their websites. The partnership between MM and EHP is a result of the African Journal Partnership Project, a multinational initiative that focuses on journal capacity building in Africa.

Salud Pública de México (SPM)
SPM is a peer-reviewed journal published bi-monthly by the National Institute of Public Health, Mexico. The journal's mission is to disseminate information on public health, defined as the application of the biological, social and administrative sciences to the analysis of health phenomena in human population, as well as the identification of health needs and the organization of integrated services. It is indexed in Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences, Social Sciences Citation Index, and other Mexican index services. Starting in March 2009, Salud Pública de México will launch an EHP section, which will include selected articles from EHP Environews section translated into Spanish and published in every issue of Salud Pública de México.

For more information on partnering with EHP, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).