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Found 10 studies with search of: "Hirsutism"
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1 Completed Bone Status and Insulin Resistance in Hirsutism
Condition: Hirsutism
2 Active, not recruiting Prospective Study of Patients With Hirsutism
Conditions: Hirsutism;   Type 2 Diabetes;   Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
3 Completed Topical Finasteride in the Treatment of Idiopathic Hirsutism
Condition: Idiopathic Hirsutism
Intervention: Drug: topical finasteride
4 Not yet recruiting Enhanced Safety Laser Hair Removal System
Conditions: Hirsutism;   Hypertrichosis
Intervention: Device: Peterio
5 Not yet recruiting Photodynamic Therapy for Permanent Hair Removal
Conditions: Hypertrichosis;   Hirsutism
Intervention: Procedure: application of a dye suspension followed by a laser intervention
6 Not yet recruiting Enhanced Safety Aesthetic Laser System
Conditions: Hirsutism;   Hypertrichosis;   Telangiectases;   Rhytides
Intervention: Device: Peterio
7 Completed Evaluation of Eflornithine on Facial and Forearm Skin
Condition: Hirsutism
Intervention: Drug: Eflornithine hydrochloride
8 Completed Effects of Metformin vs Oral Contraceptives on CV Risk Markers in PCOS
Condition: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Interventions: Drug: Metformin;   Drug: Ethynyl-estradiol plus cyproterone acetate
9 Recruiting A Study of the Efficacy and Safety of CORLUX in the Treatment of Endogenous Cushing's Syndrome
Condition: Cushing's Syndrome
Intervention: Drug: mifepristone
10 Recruiting A Study to Confirm Recurrent or Persistent Cushing's Syndrome in Patients With Signs or Symptoms of Hypercortisolemia
Condition: Cushing's Syndrome

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