Office of Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health Extramural Nexus
  September 2008
Director's Column
Weathering the Storm
Image of Norka Ruiz Bravo

Through its readiness and recovery efforts, the NIH is helping the Biomedical Community respond to natural disasters. While such disasters may be inevitable, the setbacks they present to medical research hopefully need not be.  (more...)

Top Stories
Elias A. Zerhouni to End Tenure as Director of the National Institutes of Health
photo of Dr. Elias Zerhouni

Elias A. Zerhouni, M.D., the director of the National Institutes of Health, September 24 announced his plans to step down at the end of October 2008 to pursue writing projects and explore other professional opportunities.  (more...)

2009 Brings New Adobe-Based Application Forms for Electronic Submissions

While you wait for the Adobe forms, download the FOA and develop your research plan today!  (more...)

Enhancing Peer Review Activity Implementation Timeline Announced

After an extensive year-long effort, preliminary implementation plans for the 2009 through 2010 calendar years are now available for the implementation of the Enhancement of Peer Review Activity.  (more...)

House Subcommittee Hears Testimony on NIH Public Access Policy

On September 11, 2008 the Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property heard testimony on a proposed amendment to reverse current law requiring NIH-funded research be publicly accessible. The NIH Public Access Policy remains unchanged, and complete compliance with the Policy is expected of all NIH-funded researchers.  (more...)

New NIH Policy Supports New Investigator Transition to Independence

To encourage the transition of early career investigators to research independence, a new NIH policy will adopt more broadly the approach used by the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award.  (more...)

Center for Scientific Review Continues Successful Reviewer Recruitment Effort

The Center for Scientific Review (CSR), whose national database of volunteer reviewers now includes over 3,000 highly qualified investigators, invites scientific societies to recommend exemplary reviewers to serve in review groups.  (more...)

Researchers Identify Novel Type of Antibody that Potently Inhibits HIV Infection
Prolonging the Withdrawal of Life Support in the ICU Affects Family Satisfaction with Care
Scientists Restore Movement to Paralyzed Limbs through Artificial Brain-Muscle Connections
NIH Scientists Discover Crucial Control in Long-Lasting Immunity
New Pig Model of Cystic Fibrosis Lays Groundwork for Better Understanding of Human Disease
NIH Extends Its Commitment to Transformative Research with $138 Million for Director’s Pioneer and New Innovator Awards in 2008
Roughly One Quarter of U.S. Women Affected by Pelvic Floor Disorders
NIEHS Invests $21.25 Million to Find Environmental Causes of Parkinson's Disease
OER Nexus Archives
New Resources
'Freedom Of Information Act Policies' Seminar Recording Now Available

eRA News
NIH Announces New Business Process for Reporting Identified Financial Conflict of Interest for Grants and Cooperative Agreements Beginning October 10, 2008

NOT-OD-09-001: NIH Announces a New Business Process for Reporting an Identified Financial Conflict of Interest for Grants and/or Cooperative Agreements beginning October 10, 2008
NOT-OD-08-120: SCAW IACUC-Advanced Workshop on October 8, 2008 in Las Vegas, NV
NOT-OD-08-119: Reminder Concerning Grantee Compliance with Public Access Policy and Related NIH Monitoring Activities
NOT-OD-08-118: Announcing Initial Implementation Timeline for Enhancing Peer Review
NOT-OD-08-117: Announcing Transition Schedule for NIH/AHRQ/CDC/NIOSH/FDA to Adobe-based forms for SF424 Research and Related (R&R) Electronic Submissions through
NOT-OD-08-116: Extension of Expiration Date for PA-06-012 (STTR) and PA-06-013 (SBIR) -- Manufacturing Processes of Medical, Dental, and Biological Technologies
NOT-OD-08-114: Delays in Grant Application Submission due to Hurricane Ike
NOT-OD-08-113: NIH Offers New Dual-Track Commercialization Assistance Program to SBIR Phase II Awardees
NOT-OD-08-112: All System-to-System Providers Can Now Use the 2007 System For Electronic Grant Application Submission
NOT-OD-08-111: Clarification of NIH Policy on Late Submission of Grant Applications
NOT-EB-08-004: Termination of PAR-06-504: Enabling Technologies for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (R01)

OER LogoWhere Grants Policy, Program Coordination, Compliance and Electronic Research Administration Converge

Articles, comments, questions and suggestions may be addressed to the Editor.

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