Environmental Health Perspectives Podcasts - The Researcher's Perspectives
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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
Current Issue


Environews by Topic: Health Disparities

Pregnancy Hypertension Risks Higher for Rural Women
(116N12 Beat: A520)

Linking TB and the Environment: An Overlooked Mitigation Strategy
Schmidt, Charles W. (116N11 FOC: A478-485)

Asthma among WTC Children: Registry Yields First Child Health Report
Washam, Cynthia. (116N10 SS: A440)

Dengue Reborn: Widespread Resurgence of a Resilient Vector
Phillips, Melissa Lee. (116N9 FOC: A382-A388)

The Cool Factor: Season Modifies Cardiorespiratory Deaths in China
Potera, Carol. (116N9 SS: A394)

The Sprawl of Food Deserts
Mead, M. Nathaniel (116N8 SS: A335)

Food vs. Fuel: Diversion of Crops Could Cause More Hunger
Tenenbaum, David J. (116N6 SOI: A254-A257)

Navajo Fight Uranium Comeback
(116N5 Beat: A200)

PAHs from the Inside Out: Birth Outcomes Vary among Ethnic Groups in NYC
Taylor, David A. (116N5 SS: A215)

Global Trade Comes Home: Community Impacts of Goods Movement
Hricko, Andrea(116N2 SOI: A78-A81)

Child Asthma Hospitalizations Plunge in NYC
(115N12 Beat: A581)

Does Poor Housing Raise Diabetes Risk?
(115N11 FOR: A534)

Social Environment and Asthma
(115N11 Beat: A535)

Of Two Minds: Groups Square Off on Carbon Mitigation
Dooley, Erin E. (115N11 SOI: A545-A549)

Saving the Lives of Children Under 5
Burton, Adrian. (115N10 FOR: A490)

Early Puberty Among U.S. Girls
(115N10 Beat: A493)

Iron Deficiency in Toddlers
(115N10 Beat: A493)

Standing on Principle: The Global Push for Environmental Justice
Claudio, Luz. (115N10 SOI: A500-A503)

Dangerous Wait
Adler, Tina. (115N6 FOR: A298)

The Tuskegee Legacy Project
Claudio, Luz. (115N3 FOR: A130)

Beyond the Bench: Clean Sweep: Adopting Safer Urban Demolition Practices
Tillett, Tanya. (115N2 NIEHS: A83-A84)

Crisis Not Over for Hurricane Victims
Burton, Adrian. (114N8 FOR: A462)

Headliners: Inadequate Housing May Put Immigrant Farmworkers at Risk
Tillett, Tanya. (114N8 NIEHS: A467)

Hogging the Air: CAFO Emissions Reach into Schools
Barrett, Julia R. (114N4 SS: A241)

The Cancer Differential: Minorities in Racially Segregated Urban Areas at Higher Risk than Whites
Tillett, Tanya. (114N3 SS: A176-A177)

Shift in Sex Ratio: Male Numbers Sink in Great Lakes Community
Hood, Ernie. (113N10 SS: A686-A687)

Dwelling on Differences in Health
Medlin, Jennifer. (113N9 NIEHS: A592-A595)

Continental Divide: Why Africa’s Climate Change Burden Is Greater
Fields, Scott. (113N8 SOI: A153)

Beyond the Bench: Promoting Health in Texas Colonias
Tillett, Tanya. (113N7 NIEHS: A454-455)

Arsenic: In Search of an Antidote to a Global Poison
Mead, M. Nathaniel. (113N6 FOC: A378-387)

Healthier Housing Ahead
Korfmacher, Katrina Smith (113N5 FOR: A302)

EHPnet: Community Environmental Health Resource Center
(113N5 FOR: A303)

Health on the Banks of the Rio Grande
Barrett, Julia R. (113N5 NIEHS: A304-307)

Dwelling Disparities
Hood, Ernie. (113N5 FOC: A310-318)

LAX Pays Its Neighbors Back
(113N3 Beat: A157)

Cookstove Monitors Tested in Honduras
(113N3 Beat: A157)

Overfishing and Bushmeat
(113N3 Beat: A159)

Anchoring Toxic “Ghost Ships”
(113N3 Beat: A159)

Beyond the Bench: Taking Action in Northern Manhattan
Prakash, Swati. (113N2 NIEHS: A96-A97)

NAFTA Worries in Juárez
Dahl, Richard. (112N17 FOR: A985)

Ethics in Environmental Health Research
Adler, Tina. (112N17 NIEHS: A988-A989)

Is Environmental Health a Basic Right?
Taylor, David A. (112N17 SOI: A1002-A1005)

Reaching across the Border with the SBRP
Brown, Valerie J. (111N5 NIEHS: A278-A279)

The State of the Oceans, Part 1: Eating Away at a Global Food Source
Tibbetts, John. (111N5 FOC: A282-A291)

The World’s Dumping Ground?
(112N3 BEAT: A159)

Global Warming Kills
Gilbreath, Jan. (112N3 FOR: A160)

Rich Map, Poor Map
Holton, W. Conard. (112N3 INN: A176-A179)

Farmhouse Fears: Outdoor Pesticides Come Inside
Barrett, Julia R. (112N3 SS: A180)

Children’s Exposure to ETS: Race and Ethnicity Matter
Alderson, Laura. (112N3 SS: A180-A181)

Arsenic, Variability, and Risk
Mead, M. Nathaniel. (112N2 FOR: A90)

Keeping It Close to Home with imby
Thigpen, Kimberly G. and Kathryn M. Brown. (112N2 NIEHS: A94-A95)

Environmental Crimes: Profiting at the Earth’s Expense
Schmidt, Charles W. (112N2 FOC: A96-A103)

Paying Attention to Neglected Diseases
Brown, Valerie J. (112N1 FOR: A24)

An Affordable Antimalarial
Tenenbaum, David J. (112N1 FOR: A25)

AIDS Crops Agricultural Output
(112N1 BEAT: A27)

The Link between Disparity and Disease
Medlin, Jennifer. (112N1 NIEHS: A28)

Infectious Disease: The Human Costs of Our Environmental Errors
Weinhold, Bob. (112N1 FOC: A32-A39)

Safe Water for All
Dooley, Erin E. (112N1 INN: A47)

Insult to Newborn Immunity: Organochlorines in Mother’s Diet
Tibbetts, John. (111N16 SS: A896-A897)

Border 2012
(111N7 BEAT: A389)

Body of Evidence
Weinhold, Bob. (111N7 FOC: A394–A398)

Special Meeting Report: Human Genetics, Environment, and Communities of Color
Claudio, Luz. (110N4 NIEHS: A187)

Who Reaps the Benefits of Biodiversity?
Karasov, Corliss. (109N12 FOC:A582-A587)

Environmental Aftermath
Claudio, Luz. (109N11 FOC: A528-A536)

Tackling Tough Questions
Medlin, Jennifer. (109N10 NIEHS: A472-A473)

EHPnet: Environmental Defense Scorecard
Environmental Justice. Dooley, Erin E. (109N8 FOR: A367)

The Cost of Silence
(109N7 BEAT: A307)

Ancient Teachings, Modern Lessons
Taylor, David A. (109N5 FOC: A208-A215)

Indi-gene-ous Conflict
Schmidt, Charles W. (109N5 SOI: A216-A219)

Dam-Building Decisions: A New Flood of Fairness
Black, Harvey. (109N2 SOI: A80-A83)

Seattle Town Meeting Targets Environmental Justice
Freeman, Kris (108N12 NIEHS: A555)

Tobacco Dangers Start on the Farm
(108N7 BEAT: A303)

UNICEF Reports on the State of the World's Children
McGovern, Victoria. (108N6 FOR: A256)

Getting in Touch with Your Inner-City Child
Claudio, Luz. (108N6 NIEHS: A260)

Global Business: Operating in the Green
Dahl, Richard. (108N5 SOI: A220-A222)

Not Very Neighborly: The Injustice of Hog Farm Siting
Schmidt, Charles W. (108N3 SS: A134-A135)

The High Price of Water
(108N2 BEAT: A61)

Water World 2000
Tibbetts, John. (108N2 FOC: A68-A72)

Making House Calls: Using Telecommunications to Bring Health Care into the Home
Chepesiuk, Ron. (107N11 FOC: A558-A561)

Audit-Privilege Laws: The Right to Know Nothing?
Dahl, Richard. (107N10 SOI: A510-A513)

Talking Trash: The Economic and Environmental Issues of Landfills
Taylor, David A. (107N8 FOC: A404-A409)

Still Moving toward Environmental Justice
Clay, Rebecca. (107N6 SOI: A308-A310)

The Road to Justice
Clay Haynes, Rebecca. (105N9 SOI: 920-922)

Environmental Justice in Action
Clay Haynes, Rebecca. (105N4 NIEHS: 374-377)

The Question of Asthma and Race
(105N4 NIEHS: 376)

Making More Minority Scientists
Claudio, Luz. (105N2 NIEHS: 174-176)

Breaking into the Field
(104N1 NIEHS: 21)

Environmental Justice Leaders Meet
(103N9 NIEHS: 795)

Strategic Elements for Environmental Justice
(103N9 Special Report: 796-800)

Carson Motivates Minorities
(103N7/8 NIEHS: 659)

Tribal Environmental Council Meets
(103N4 NIEHS: 327)

No Agreement on Environmental Justice
(103N3 FOR: 223-224)

Environmental Justice Grantee Orientation Meeting
(103N2 NIEHS: 139-140)

Grant Writing Workshop for Environmental Justice
(103N2 NIEHS: 140)

Environmental Justice Partnerships for Communication
(103N1 NIEHS: 22-23)

A Gray Area of Environmental Justice
(102N10 FOR: 817-818)

Two Steps forward on Environmental Justice
Johnson, Pamela E. (102N10 SOI: 836-838)

President Orders Justice
(102N4 FOR: 361)

Meeting for Justice
(101N7 FOR: 572)

Environmental Equity: A New Coalition for Justice
Mushak, Betty. (101N6 FOC: 478-483)

Making Plans to Find Solutions [sidebar]
Johnson, Pamela. (101N6 FOC: 482)

Social Science and Environmental Risks [sidebar]
(101N5 FOC: 400)

Minority Health Research
(101N2 NIEHS: 112-113)

Environmental Justice Addressed
(101N1 NIEHS: 24)

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