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Many OJP Formula grants are awarded directly to state governments, which then set priorities and allocate funds within that state.

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In Focus
On August 25, the Partnership for a Drug-Free America and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America are co-sponsoring a webinar titled "Parents: You Matter," which will provide parents and caring adults with tools and information about why kids use drugs and alcohol and how parents can protect their children. Register

The Police Executive Research Forum, National Sheriffs' Association, and BJA have released Conducted Energy Devices: Use in a Custodial Setting.The report discusses the survey results to determine the extent to which sheriffs' offices are using the devices and have developed policies on CEDs and also provides general guidelines for the use of CEDs and other electronic devices in custodial settings.

With support from BJA, the Police Executive Research Forum has released Communication and Public Health Emergencies: A Guide for Law Enforcement.This guide identifies important considerations for law enforcement executives seeking to develop or enhance communication plans for public health emergencies, including internal and external communications.

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International Community Corrections Association 17th Annual International Research Conference
Orlando, Florida

Sessions for this conference, entitled "Transitions," will address mental illness and addiction treatment, transitional housing, job creation and employment placement, correctional education for juveniles and adults, and more.

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