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The listing below is a combination of NETL Events, along with events supported and/or co-hosted by NETL. When it is a NETL Event, NETL Conference Service Information is provided at the bottom of the page. For a NETL-supported event, you will be linked to the supporting organization’s web page for more information on how to register, etc. After a conference is over, the conference papers will also be accessible on the NETL Conference Proceedings section.

May 2009
  May 4-7

8th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture & Sequestration - Pittsburgh, PA
Point of Contact: John Litynski, 304-285-1339

  May 12-14

23rd Annual Conference on Fossil Energy Materials - Pittsburgh, PA
Point of Contact: Richard Dunst, 412-386-6694

July 2009
  July 14-16

10th Annual Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA) Workshop - Pittsburgh, PA
Point of Contact: Wayne Surdoval , 412-386-6002

August 2009
  Aug 11-14

10th Annual Small Business Conference - Long Beach, California
Point of Contact: Larry Sullivan, 412-386-6115


NETL Point of Contact

Kim Yavorsky
Event Manager
U.S. Department of Energy
National Energy Technology Laboratory
P.O. Box 10940, MS 920-L
Cochrans Mill Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0940
Office - (412) 386-6044
FAX: (412) 386-4604
E-Mail -

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