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Archive for the ‘Suggested Readings’ Category

Getty Conservation Institute Workbook

Friday, February 9th, 2007

The Getty Conservation Institute wrote a workbook called “Building an Emergency Plan:  A Guide for Museums and Other Cultural Institutions,” in 1999.  The publication is now out of print, but a free PDF version is available from their website.  It is very well organized and thoughtfully written.  Check out page 2 of the Introduction for an impressive table of disasters that have occurred to cultural institutions around the world in the past 20 years. 

“If you’re not prepared, you’re at the mercy of the crisis.”

Thursday, January 25th, 2007

The above quote is from this article, which provides some very helpful suggestions for maintaining services after a disaster, taken from a business model, but they can also be applied to a library setting.

“If you’re not prepared, you’re at the mercy of the crisis.”

Thursday, January 25th, 2007

The above quote is from thisĀ article, which provides some very helpful suggestions for maintaining services after a disaster, taken from a business model, but they can also be applied to a library setting.

Disaster Planning for Major Snowfall

Monday, October 30th, 2006

Last month’s big snowstorm in Buffalo, New York, exposed some weaknesses in disaster planning. Here’s an article from the University of Buffalo addressing the issue.

New York Times OP-ED Column

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006

Lawrence Wein, professor at Stanford’s graduate school of business, wrote an interesting op-ed column on pandemic influenza in today’s New York Times.  (Note: I believe you need to be registered at in order to view the article.)

Disaster Planning for Computers/Networks

Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Here’s an article that Richard Boss wrote back in 2002 entitled Disaster Planning for Computers and Networks. It will give you a good general understanding of computer networks and disaster planning. In our disaster plan, our local procedures are covered in LTSD (Library Technology Services And Development) Recovery Plan. The University of Virginia’s ITC (Information Technology & Communication) department handles the broader issues related to network recovery.

Shelter in Place (

Thursday, October 12th, 2006

The site has a nice page on how to shelter in place.

Homeland Security Brochure

Monday, October 9th, 2006

The US Department of Homeland Security has a nice pdf brochure called “Every Business Should Have a Plan.” While this is not specific to libraries, it provides a good rationale for disaster planning as well as some valuable information that we can all use.

Recommended Reading

Saturday, September 30th, 2006

Here’s a great disaster planning page from The National Library of Australia. It features a good general description for a plan and even includes success measures.