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The award-winning Field Guide to Emergency Response and Emergency Response and Salvage Wheel are resources that can help you deal with damage to your collection.

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Heritage Emergency National Task Force
Information on Major Disasters

Upper Midwest Spring Flooding 2009

FEMA flood Image Pumping water out of Fargo, ND, April 1, 2009, at the rate of 6,500 gallons every 10 minutes. Photo by Patsy Lynch/FEMA.

The Heritage Emergency National Task Force is tracking cultural heritage damage and response efforts related to Spring flooding in the Upper Midwest.

For current flooding status, see National Weather Service alerts for Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Minnesota Public Radio and the Bismarck Tribune are two sources for flooding news coverage.
Archive of Disaster Information
Hurricanes and Tropical Storms 2008
Midwest Flooding 2008
California Wildfires 2007
Hurricanes 2005


Cultural Institutions

Submit a Damage Report or Request for Assistance.

View the list of damage reports or requests for assistance.

Contact Information for:

State cultural agencies and associations

State Emergency Management Agencies

The Task Force encourages coordination with state agencies when planning response efforts.

Video Image Coping with Water Damage, a 10-minute video from the Field Guide to Emergency Response
Save Your Treasures the Right Way
Guide to Navigating FEMA and SBA Disaster Aid for Cultural Institutions
The Minnesota Historical Society has flood response and recovery information on its Web site. Specific questions may be directed to MHS Outreach Conservator Bob Herskovitz at 651-259-3465 or 800-657-3773.
The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works has a trained team of responders ready to help assess damage. Call the 24-hour hotline for assistance: 202-661-8068.
Field Guide to Emergency Response and the Emergency Response and Salvage Wheel
Download the assessment, supply and other forms from the Field Guide to Emergency Response
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Disaster Archive

Hurricanes and Tropical Storms 2008

The 2008 Atlantic hurricane season was one of the most active seasons in the 64 years since comprehensive storm record-keeping began, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). See NOAA’s season summary. The Heritage Emergency National Task Force provided resources for cultural institutions recovering from damage.

Task Force conference call notes:
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Midwest Flooding Summer 2008

Task Force conference call notes:
Wednesday, July 11, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

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California Wildfires Fall 2007

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Hurricanes 2005

  • View the lists of damage and response reports
  • Read Task Force conference call highlights

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