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Electricity What's New?
Electric Power Industry Reliability Data  (03/09/2009)
Electric Power Industry Reliability Data for 2007 and projected years covering information filed by the North American Electricity Reliability Corporation (NERC) , the electric power industry’s electricity reliability organization. The data files present historical time series or actual year plus current year projections of National level and NERC regional breakouts on net energy for load; peak load; available electric generating capacity; capacity resource margins; electric system demand-side management; and projected transmission line additions.
Monthly Flash Estimate (MFE) (2/20/2009)
The February, 2009 issue of the Monthly Flash Estimate (MFE) of Electric Power Data is now available on EIA’s Electricity page. MFE provides an early look at the highlights of the upcoming Electric Power Monthly publication and presents tables of electricity generation, fuel consumption for generation, fossil fuel stocks, and average retail sales and prices of electricity. MFE precedes the next issue of EPM by three weeks. The current issue covers an early review of the December, 2008 electricity data. The publication is available both in PDF and Excel formats and can be accessed at the following address:
FERC-423 data file, with final data for 2007 (2/11/2009)
The final 2007 edition of the FERC-423 annual data file now available in Excel format on EIA’s electricity database page. The FERC-423 electric utility data file includes information on type of fuel purchase, fuel cost, fuel type, fuel origin, fuel quantity and fuel quality. Data source is survey FERC Form No.423: "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants."
Wholesale Market Data  (1/30/2009)
This site contains spreadsheets with wholesale electricity price data from the Intercontinental Exchange (latest update: December 31, 2008). The files contain peak prices, volumes, and number of transactions at six electricity trading hubs covering most regions of the United States.
Form EIA-906, EIA-920, and EIA-923 Generation and Consumption Databases (1/30/2009)
The Monthly Generation and Fuel Consumption Data Files have been updated. Final 2007 data are now posted, and revised data are posted for 2004-2006, including the revisions to fuel consumption due to a new methodology for calculating consumption for electricity generation and useful thermal output (UTO) at combined heat and power (CHP) plants. These data files include utility and nonutility generation, fuel consumption, and stocks data, and are available as Excel files on EIA’s Electricity Publications page.
EIA-423 Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuel Receipts Web Files for January through December 2002-2007 (1/30/2009)
The Monthly Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuel Receipts Data Files have been updated. Final 2007 data are now posted. These data files include nonutility receipts of fossil fuels at generating plants with a nameplate capacity of 50 or more megawatts. The data include the specific energy source, quantity of fuel delivered, the Btu content, sulfur content, ash content, coal mine state and county (or country) of origin, coal mine type (surface/underground), as well as the supplier of the fuel. Fuel cost data collected on this survey will not be made available to the public because it is protected.
Electric Power Annual 2007: State-level Historical Data Tables, with data for 1990-2007 (1/26/2009)
The State-level Historical Data Tables (a component of the Electric Power Annual 2007) are now available as Excel files on EIA’s Electricity Publications page. Historical data from 1990-2007 is available for net generation, fossil fuel consumption, existing and proposed nameplate capacity, average price, number of retail customers, retail sales, and revenue from retail sales. The user can sort the large amount of data in these tables in a variety of ways; for instance, the generation data can be narrowed down by year, State, production sector, and fuel type. Further detail on renewable energy sources has been provided in the generation and capacity tables. Emissions data for 1990-2007 will follow shortly.
Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants, with data for 2006-2007 (1/26/2009)
The 2007 edition of the Cost and Quality of Fuels report is now available in both PDF and Excel formats on EIA’s Electricity Publications page. The Cost and Quality report compares data on fossil fuels received for electricity production during 2006 and 2007, presenting tables on the quantity, cost, and quality of coal, natural gas, and petroleum products. Received quantities and delivered costs are shown at the State, sector, and purchase-type level for each fuel, and additional information on the source and destination of coal is shown in the final two tables.
Electric Sales, Revenue, and Price (1/22/2009)
The annual report provides information regarding sales, revenue, number of consumers, and average retail price by sector, Census Division and State for traditional electric utilities, non-utility power producers, power marketers and energy service providers. The data is provided in Excel file format. Figures are also provided for average retail price per kilowatthour by state and sector in html format.
Electric Power Annual 2007 (1/21/2009)
The report presents 12 years (1996 - 2007) of National level data on electricity generation; electric generating capacity; capacity resource margins; fuel consumption; emissions; electricity trade; retail electric customers, sales, revenue and price; electric utility revenue and expense statistics; and demand-side management. New tables have been added which present national data for specific renewable fuels and capacity.
Monthly Flash Estimate (MFE) (12/18/2008)
The December, 2008 issue of the Monthly Flash Estimate (MFE) of Electric Power Data is now available on EIA’s Electricity page. MFE provides an early look at the highlights of the upcoming Electric Power Monthly publication and presents tables of electricity generation, fuel consumption for generation, fossil fuel stocks, and average retail sales and prices of electricity. MFE precedes the next issue of EPM by three weeks. The current issue covers an early review of the October, 2008 electricity data. The publication is available both in PDF and Excel formats and can be accessed at the following address:
Electric Power Monthly December 2008 (12/12/2008)
The latest EPM issue (December 2008) is now available on EIA's http://www.eia.doe.gov/fuelelectric.html. Data being published in the December 2008 EPM include September 2008 data. Historical copies of the EPM tables in Excel format have also been posted on the EIA website, dating back to the May 2003 publication of the EPM. These files can be accessed at the following address: http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/epm/epm_ex_bkis.html
Wholesale Market Data  (12/03/2008)
This site contains spreadsheets with wholesale electricity price data from the Intercontinental Exchange (latest update: December 3, 2008). The files contain peak prices, volumes, and number of transactions at six electricity trading hubs covering most regions of the United States.
January 2008 Preliminary Electric Power Generation and Fuel Consumption Database  (06/18/2008)
Monthly electric power generation, fuel consumption, and fuel stocks data are released.
Service Report on Federal Energy Subsidies Released  (4/9/2008)
The Energy Information Administration has updated its 1999 to 2000 work on Federal energy subsidies. The report includes additions or deletions of Federal subsidies based on Administration or Congressional action since 2000, and provides an estimate of the size of each current subsidy. Subsidies directed to electricity production are estimated on the basis of generation by fuel.