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Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels
Table 4.1.    xls   format     Electric Power Monthly
Table 4.1. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Total (All Sectors), 1994 through November 2008
Petroleum Liquids[2]
Average Cost
Avg. Sulfur %
Percentage of Consumption[3]
Average Cost
Avg. Sulfur %
Percentage of Consump-tion3
(billion Btu)
(1000 tons)
(dollars/ 106 Btu)
(billion Btu)
(1000 barrels)
(dollars/106 Btu)
(dollars/ barrel)
1994 17,200,731 831,929 1.36 28.03 1.2 NA 901,831 142,940 2.49 15.7 1.1 NA
1995 16,946,807 826,860 1.32 27.01 1.1 NA 532,564 84,292 2.68 16.93 0.9 NA
1996 17,707,127 862,701 1.29 26.45 1.1 NA 673,845 106,629 3.16 19.95 1 NA
1997 18,095,870 880,588 1.27 26.16 1.1 NA 748,634 117,789 2.88 18.3 1.1 NA
1998 19,036,478 929,448 1.25 25.64 1.1 NA 1,048,098 165,191 2.14 13.55 1.1 NA
1999 18,460,617 908,232 1.22 24.72 1 NA 833,706 131,407 2.53 16.03 1.1 NA
2000 15,987,811 790,274 1.2 24.28 0.9 NA 633,609 99,855 4.45 28.24 1 NA
2001 15,285,607 762,815 1.23 24.68 0.9 NA 726,135 114,523 3.92 24.86 1.1 NA
2002 17,981,987 884,287 1.25 25.52 0.9 88 623,354 98,581 3.87 24.45 0.9 67.2
2003[4] 19,989,772 986,026 1.28 26 1 95.6 980,983 156,338 4.94 31.02 0.8 82.6
2004 20,188,633 1,002,032 1.36 27.42 1 95.9 958,046 151,821 5 31.58 0.9 81.7
2005 20,647,307 1,021,437 1.54 31.2 1 95.9 986,258 157,221 7.59 47.61 0.8 84.7
January 1,869,772 92,932 1.67 33.53 1 103.6 76,215 12,165 8.65 54.18 0.7 143.1
February 1,657,250 81,923 1.68 33.96 1 98.4 27,562 4,405 8.39 52.47 0.8 64.2
March 1,826,821 89,939 1.71 34.7 1 106.1 19,780 3,157 8.74 54.78 0.7 59.3
April 1,773,975 87,379 1.71 34.76 1 116.9 14,231 2,271 8.66 54.26 0.7 38.5
May 1,847,997 91,388 1.7 34.34 1 110.5 34,529 5,503 8.84 55.5 0.8 95.2
June 1,815,360 90,202 1.69 33.94 1 100.7 28,561 4,598 9.46 58.74 0.7 59.7
July 1,783,929 89,571 1.68 33.45 0.9 90 39,191 6,253 8.98 56.27 0.7 64.5
August 1,917,151 95,321 1.7 34.15 1 94.8 49,221 7,839 9.34 58.62 0.8 64.2
September 1,794,913 89,298 1.71 34.46 1 103.2 34,695 5,517 8.15 51.27 0.9 90.8
October 1,859,363 92,504 1.7 34.26 1 107.6 22,514 3,606 7.98 49.83 0.7 54.8
November 1,789,893 89,210 1.69 33.93 1 105.6 29,544 4,744 8.18 50.93 0.7 71.1
December 1,798,678 90,276 1.69 33.61 0.9 98.1 30,826 4,944 8.28 51.61 0.6 75.2
Total 21,735,101 1,079,943 1.69 34.09 1 102.5 406,869 65,002 8.68 54.35 0.7 74
January 1,744,204 87,188 1.74 34.82 1 92.9 27,964 4,497 8.1 50.36 0.7 50.2
February 1,612,187 80,145 1.75 35.16 1 93.1 42,710 6,842 8.25 51.5 0.7 46.9
March 1,809,836 89,418 1.76 35.66 1 106.5 28,652 4,565 7.81 49.01 0.7 54.6
April 1,700,139 83,907 1.77 35.82 1 107.9 34,358 5,481 8.53 53.49 0.8 72.6
May 1,765,637 87,172 1.77 35.88 1 104.9 41,126 6,574 8.97 56.13 0.7 95.6
June 1,799,183 89,682 1.77 35.42 0.9 97.8 37,782 6,032 9.78 61.23 0.7 75.5
July 1,757,214 87,902 1.76 35.15 1 89.2 30,417 4,872 9.89 61.74 0.7 62.7
August 1,875,692 93,592 1.77 35.52 1 92.5 39,170 6,279 10.18 63.5 0.7 59.5
September 1,778,602 88,632 1.77 35.6 1 98.7 36,182 5,748 9.72 61.18 0.7 84.9
October 1,824,224 91,175 1.77 35.41 1 106.3 18,521 2,996 11.5 71.11 0.7 44.6
November 1,710,779 86,153 1.78 35.26 0.9 102.1 21,358 3,434 12.93 80.43 0.8 84.5
December 1,774,662 89,697 1.82 36.02 0.9 96 17,020 2,748 13.25 82.1 0.6 48.3
Total 21,152,358 1,054,664 1.77 35.48 1 98.6 375,260 60,068 9.59 59.93 0.7 62.6
January 1,753,369 89,485 1.92 37.59 1 93.2 28,125 4,519 14.59 90.78 0.5 73.9
February 1,637,445 82,256 1.88 37.47 1 93.2 21,951 3,601 15.14 92.31 0.5 76.2
March 1,725,816 85,950 1.94 38.88 1 101.2 21,661 3,529 15.1 92.66 0.6 84.2
April 1,708,777 85,536 1.97 39.32 1 108.3 32,729 5,255 14.95 93.14 0.7 125.8
May 1,753,557 87,808 2.05 40.84 1 104.6 26,416 4,262 16.44 101.86 0.8 97.8
June 1,693,216 84,475 2.09 41.81 1 92.1 44,487 7,112 18.37 114.92 0.7 99.6
July 1,746,950 88,675 2.1 41.33 1 88.5 30,348 4,880 20.69 128.68 0.7 84.3
August 1,865,682 93,924 2.18 43.4 1 96.1 27,789 4,467 19.63 122.12 0.7 91.4
September 1,761,901 89,071 2.18 43.05 1 101.2 26,384 4,252 16.98 105.36 0.7 75.1
October 1,845,020 92,650 2.18 43.45 1 112.1 23,048 3,733 15.55 95.99 0.6 102.3
November 1,763,843 89,253 2.15 42.4 1 107.3 20,874 3,480 11.59 69.52 0.5 85.4
Total 19,255,576 969,085 2.06 40.92 1 99.3 303,811 49,092 16.56 102.51 0.6 89.6
Year to Date
2006 19,936,423 989,666 1.69 34.13 1 102.9 376,043 60,058 8.72 54.57 0.7 73.9
2007 19,377,696 964,967 1.76 35.43 1 98.9 358,240 57,320 9.42 58.87 0.7 63.5
2008 19,255,576 969,085 2.06 40.92 1 99.3 303,811 49,092 16.56 102.51 0.6 89.6
Rolling 12 Months Ending in November
2007 21,176,374 1,055,243 1.76 35.27 1 98.8 389,066 62,264 9.33 58.29 0.7 64.3
2008 21,030,238 1,058,782 2.04 40.5 1 99 320,831 51,840 16.39 101.43 0.6 85.7
  [1] Anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, waste coal, and coal synfuel.
  [2] Distillate fuel oil, residual fuel oil, jet fuel, kerosene, and waste oil.
  [3] The Percent of Consumption calculation can be affected by a variety of factors, some of which may include: different respondents and response rates for the receipt and consumption surveys; plants may be adding receipts to their stockpiles; plants may be consuming fuel from existing stocks; and combined heat and power plants may be reporting fuel stocks related to non-electric generating activities.
  [4] The years 2002 and beyond include data for electric utilities, independent power producers, and commercial and industrial combined heat and power producers.  The years prior to 2002 include data for electric utilities only.
  NA = Not available.  
  Notes: Due to different reporting requirements between the Form EIA-923 and historical FERC Form 423, the receipts data from 2008 and on are not directly comparable to prior years.  For more information, please see the Technical Notes in Appendix C. See Glossary for definitions. Values for 2007 and prior years are final. Values for 2008 are preliminary. Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Mcf = thousand cubic feet. Monetary values are expressed in nominal terms.
  Sources: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report;" Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report;" Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report," replaced the following: Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-920, "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;"  Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report;" and  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants."
Table 4.1 Page 2

More Tables on Receipts, Cost and Quality:
Table ES. Summary Statistics for the United States html pdf xls
Table 4.6. Receipts and Quality of Coal Delivered for the Electric Power Industry html pdf xls
Table 4.5. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels for the Electric Power Industry html pdf xls
Table 4.7. Average Quality of Fossil Fuels Burned by the Electric Power Industry html pdf xls
Table 4.2. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Electric Utilities html   xls
Table 4.3. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Independent Power Producers html   xls
Table 4.4. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Commercial Sector html   xls
Table 4.5. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Industrial Sector html   xls
Table 4.6.a. Receipts of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.6.b. Receipts of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.7.a. Receipts of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.7.b. Receipts of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.8.a. Receipts of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.8.b. Receipts of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.9.a. Receipts of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.9.b. Receipts of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.10.a. Average Cost of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.10.b. Average Cost of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.11.a. Average Cost of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.11.b. Average Cost of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.12.a. Average Cost of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.12.b. Average Cost of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.13.a. Average Cost of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.13.b. Average Cost of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.14. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Total (All Sectors) by State html   xls
Table 4.15. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Electric Utilities by State html   xls
Table 4.16. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Independent Power Producers by State html   xls
Table 4.17. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Commercial Combined Heat and Power Producers by State html   xls
Table 4.18. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Industrial Combined Heat and Power Producers by State html   xls
Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Database (Form EIA-423)   DBF
Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Database (FERC Form No. 423)   DBF

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics