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Latest Press Releases

May 5, 2009 - National Institute of Standards and Technology
Vise Squad: Putting the Squeeze on a Crystal Leads to Novel Electronics - (APS)
A clever materials science technique that uses a silicon crystal as a sort of nanoscale vise to squeeze another crystal into a more useful shape may launch a new class of electronic devices that remember their last state even after power is turned off. ...

April 30, 2009 - Canadian Light Source
Canadian Light Source Celebrates 2000th Researcher Visit - (CLS)
The Canadian Light Source (CLS) recently reached an important milestone in its operational life when Brian Bewer, a University of Saskatchewan (U of S) graduate student, made the 2000th research visit to Canada's synchrotron. ...


May 6, 2009 - Nature
China joins world-class synchrotron club - (SSRF)
The Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) officially opened its doors last week to a queue of scientists waiting hungrily for beamline time. ...

May 5, 2009 - Russia-InfoCentre
To Know More About Matter - (XFEL)
Russian scientists created a unique spectrometer for the superpowerful X-ray laser XFEL (X-ray Free Electron Laser), currently under construction in the Hamburg area in Germany. ...

May 4, 2009 - euronews
Nuclear surviving plant yields its secrets - (ESRF)
The “world’s toughest bacterium” seems to have superpowers that can survive even the deadly gamma radiation that comes from a nuclear explosion. ...

May 4, 2009 - AZoNano
Third-Generation of Synchrotron Radiation Light Source Ready for Use - (SSRF)
Located in Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, the 1,200-million-yuan mega project is the largest scientific platform in China up to now. The construction of the project took 52 months with the joint efforts of CAS and Shanghai municipal government. ...

May 1, 2009 - The New York Times
Brookhaven Finds Its Star on the Rise - (NSLS-II, CFN)
Good news at the Brookhaven National Laboratory has been piling up fast in recent months. In the midst of a recession, the lab here is launching huge new projects and generating hundreds of jobs. ...

May 1, 2009 - Wired Science
Extreme Ultraviolet Laser Challenges Einstein - (FLASH)
Super-intense lasers can boot bunches of electrons from the inner region of atoms, according to a new study. ...

May 1, 2009 - spectroscopyNOW.com
Polymerising phosphates - (ALS, ESRF, HASYLAB at DESY)
X-ray crystallography has been used to identify a novel enzyme that polymerises the essential biochemical building block phosphate in eukaryotes, which include all animals, plants, fungi, and protists. ...

May 2009
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  Proposal Deadlines


NSLS: Researchers Find New Protein Function

NSRRC: Structure and Electronic Configuration of an Iron(II) Complex in a LIESST State:A Pump and Probe Method

SSRL: A New Way to Limit Damaging Production of Nitric Oxide


APS: The stuff you can do with accelerators

SSRL: SSRL Beamline 14 Sees First Light


AS: Controls Engineer

AS: Senior Beamline / Alignment Engineer

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