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Bomb Threat Drills

Our Circulation staff are going through a series of bomb threat drills in order to improve response.  Here’s a message from our Circulation supervisor summarizing this past weekend’s activities:

Starting this past weekend we’ve been running table top bomb threat drills in the Circulation department. And I have to say the results have been very mixed and highly instructive.

 The biggest thing the drills have been pointing out is our need to continue running drills.  It provides good one-on-one opportunities to see how desk staff would react to an unexpected phone call with a bomb threat at the other end.

Basically the drill runs like this:  I phone in (from a phone other than my cell phone) and say:  “Ok…this is your bomb threat drill.  What would you do if I phoned in and said the following…”  and then we proceeded to run the bomb threat interview.

At the end of the phone call we’d review what happened and discuss what we’d do differently.

The results?  Well, let’s just say we’ll be running the drills a little longer to give everyone a chance to learn to improve their bomb threat response skills.

So circ staff…. beware… when you least suspect it that phone is going to ring and there will be another drill coming your way. 

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