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U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement

Tariff Elimination Schedule

The U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (FTA) bound all Singapore tariffs for U.S. goods at zero percent. However, prior to the U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement entering into force, the vast majority of U.S. products already entered Singapore duty-free. Under the U.S.-Singapore FTA, the import of beer, stout, samsu, and medicated samsu originating from the United States, the only products to previously have duties assessed, now also have zero duty rates. A five percent sales tax is still applied on all imports into Singapore.

The Department of Commerce's Market Access and Compliance offices will be monitoring this Agreement to ensure that Singapore fully complies with their trade obligations. If you encounter problems under the FTA, please contact Agreements Compliance or call the Office of the Pacific Basin's Singapore Desk Officer at (202) 482-3832 or (202) 482-3894.