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The Road to Recovery 2005 Webcast Series

  • Webcast: The 2005 Road to Recovery
    (Premiere: Wednesday, January 12, 2005)
    picture of a group of people This program is first in a series of nine programs supporting the 16th annual observance of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. This program is designed to help individuals, organizations, and communities plan and host events to raise awareness about the benefits of addiction treatment. The show will demonstrate successful awareness-raising strategies employed by communities-large and small-throughout the Nation and will provide helpful tips about how viewers can replicate those successes in their own communities.
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  • Webcast: Today's Recovery Movement: Remembering the Past and Planning for the Future
    (Premiere: Wednesday, February 2, 2005)
    picture of a panelAccording to a survey sponsored by the Faces and Voices of Recovery, addictions to alcohol or illicit drugs have affected the lives of a majority of Americans. Sixty-three percent of respondents reported that alcohol and drug addictions had some or a large impact on their lives. More than one-third of Americans know someone who is in recovery from addiction. Experts say this awareness reflects, to a great extent, the progress made by individuals in recovery and treatment advocates to dispel the stigma associated with addiction and to encourage people to speak out about their own recovery. This program will examine how the recovery movement has changed over time and look ahead to the movement's future, spotlighting the public's opinions regarding addiction and treatment as well as the laws, policies, and attitudes that affect recovery.
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  • Webcast: Treatment 101: The Science and Methodologies of Treating Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders
    (Premiere: Wednesday, March 2, 2005)
    panelist photo The field of addiction treatment is dynamic and ever-changing. New behavioral and pharmacological approaches routinely alter the way we think about and address the treatment of those with substance use disorders. This program will examine recent scientific and methodological advances in addiction treatment and explore how they have improved and diversified addiction treatment services.
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  • Webcast: Binge Drinking and Youth: What Everyone Needs To Know
    (Premiere: Wednesday, April 6, 2005)
    photo of coeds Results from the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health show that 25 percent of Americans aged 17 had reported binge drinking (i.e., five or more drinks on the same occasion). By age 21, the percentage of binge drinkers had increased to 48 percent. College is clearly a catalyst for alcohol use; in fact, young adults aged 18 to 22 who don't attend college drink less than those who do attend. Many binge drinkers in college begin experimenting with alcohol in high school. Students may not want to think about it, but young people can become alcohol dependent and many will die from excessive alcohol consumption. This program will reveal the subcultures and behaviors that support binge drinking while highlighting prevention, early interventions, and treatment options.
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  • Webcast: Treatment Approaches for Women
    (Premiere: Wednesday, May 4, 2005)
    photo of mother and baby Substance use disorders present serious and unique health concerns for women. Unfortunately, few available services are designed to specifically meet the needs of women with substance use problems. Recent studies point both to the need for gender-specific services for women and to the greater effectiveness of such approaches compared to more traditional treatment modalities. This program will examine how treatment services are changing to help women successfully navigate the road to recovery. It also explores other issues that can affect their recovery progress, such as child care, co-occurring disorders, and domestic violence.
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  • Webcast: The Dangerous Frontiers of Substance Abuse: A Look at Alcohol and Drug Use Trends
    (Premiere: Wednesday, June 1, 2005)
    photo of pill Every year, people of all ages find new and often very dangerous ways to abuse substances to get high. This show will look at the emerging trends related to illicit drug use, underage drinking, and non-medical use of prescription and over-the-counter medications. It also will address the challenges and successes of treating individuals who are becoming alcohol or drug dependent while living on the dangerous frontiers of substance abuse.
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  • Webcast: Medication-Assisted Therapies
    (Premiere: Wednesday, July 6, 2005)
    office visit photo Both opioid and alcohol addictions currently can be treated in many ways. These complex diseases involve physiological, psychological, genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors. They share features of other drug dependencies and often require unique treatment strategies. No single treatment approach is effective in all cases. Abstinence, usually accepted as the primary goal of addiction treatment, is not feasible as an exclusive goal for all opioid as well as alcohol-dependent persons. Medications such as methadone and buprenorphine are effective, safe, and an integral part of opioid-related addiction medicine. This program will look at the science, methodology, and effectiveness of medication-assisted therapies for both opioid dependence and alcoholism and their implications for the future of addiction treatment.
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  • Webcast: Addiction In the Home: Healing Lives, Families, and Communities
    (Premiere: Wednesday, August 3, 2005)
    picture of kids Addiction affects more than one life: family, friends, and communities also experience the effects of a person's disorder. This program will explore the full spectrum of needs and services related to the family of someone with an addiction disorder. It will analyze key factors that can support or impede the recovery process, including employment, health care, children, mental health, and housing.
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  • Webcast: Recovery and Policy: How States Transform Systems of Care
    (Premiere: Wednesday, September 7, 2005)
    photo of the Capitol Dome Governors and state-level policymakers have unique opportunities to shape attitudes about addiction and increase access to treatment services by their constituencies. This program will profile State officials who are making a difference and who are finding innovative and successful ways to ensure effective treatment services are available to the populations they serve.

  • Webcast: Healing Lives, Families and Communities: A National Showcase of Events
    (Premiere: Wednesday, November 2, 2005)
    photo of recovery month event In September 2005 hundreds of Recovery Month events were held across the country to celebrate recovery and highlight the fact the addiction is treatable and recovery is possible. In this program, we will look at the tremendous educational and awareness raising events conducted in communities large and small as the country came together to heal lives, families and communities.

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