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Guidelines for Developing a Data and Safety Monitoring Plan: Appendix A

Detailed DSM Plan Checklist

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Was item included in the DSM plan? Included?
Yes No
Brief description of the protocol
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Primary and secondary outcome measures
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Inclusion/exclusion criteria
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Sample size
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List of participating enrolling clinics or data collection centers
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Projected timetable
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Target population distribution (e.g., women, minorities, etc)
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Data acquisition and transmission
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Data entry methods
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Data analysis plan
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Quality assurance plan
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Reporting mechanisms of AEs/SAEs to the IRB, FDA, and NIDA.
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Reporting mechanisms of IRB actions to NIDA
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Report of changes or amendments to the protocol
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Trial stopping rules
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Conflict of interest
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Potential risks and benefits for participants
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Collection and reporting of AEs and SAEs
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Management of SAEs or other study risks
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Plans for Interim Analysis of efficacy data
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Responsibility for data and safety monitoring
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Frequency of DSM reviews
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Content of DSM report
. .
DSM Board Plan (if applicable)
. .


A: Detailed DSM Plan Checklist
B: Sample of an Initial DSM Plan for a Medication Trial
C: Sample of an Initial DSM plan for a Non-Medication Behavioral Treatment Clinical Trial
D: Sample of an Initial DSM plan for a Prevention Clinical Trial

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National Institutes of Health logo_Department of Health and Human Services Logo The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) , a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Questions? See our Contact Information. Last updated on Tuesday, February 1, 2005. The U.S. government's official web portal