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Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG)

CEWG Related Sites

The internet provides many other sites rich with information to complement the work done by the CEWG. Some internet web sites with related information are listed here. Although this not an exhaustive list, it is a starting point which can lead you to more information.

  • The Addiction Research Foundation (ARF)
    The Addiction Research Foundation (ARF) is one of North America's pre-eminent facilities for research into alcohol, tobacco and other drug problems. The foundation's mission is to work with its partners to create and apply knowledge to prevent and reduce the harm associated with alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in Ontario communities.

  • American Psychological Association
    Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse

    The study of the effects of drugs on behavior has been productively examined in human as well as nonhuman populations, both within and outside the laboratory. The central theme running through the research in this division is the use of behavioral principles as they interact with the effects of pharmacological agents and environmental events.

  • The Archivist - Trends in Addictive Behavior Research
    This newsletter is designed to keep addiction care professionals, researchers and inquisitive, non-addiction professionals informed of the most recent developments in the area of addiction. Though no attempt will be made to provide an exhaustive summary of research in this area, we will try to keep you abreast of the studies which seem the most interesting and timely. We are open to any feedback concerning our selections. Submissions are wholeheartedly welcomed (as long as they are referenced from recent professional journals).

  • Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA)
    Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse is a non-profit organization working to minimize the harm associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The Centre was created in 1988 under Canada's Drug Strategy.

  • Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Brown University
    Brown University established the Center for Alcohol & Addiction Studies in 1982. The Center's mission is to promote the identification, prevention and effective treatment of alcohol and other drug use problems in our society through research, publications, education and training. The Center, through its affiliation with the Brown Medical School, occupies a unique position within the university. Over 60 faculty and professional staff from 11 university departments and 8 affiliated hospitals cooperate as clinicians, scholars, teachers, administrators and researchers to comprise a single working unit. The offices are located on the grounds of Butler Hospital, and house Center faculty, staff, researchers and research trainees.

  • Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research (CEDAR)
    The Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research (CEDAR) is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Its Mission is to elucidate the factors contributing to the variation in the liability to drug abuse and determine the developmental pathways culminating in drug abuse outcome, normal outcome, and psychiatric/behavioral disorder outcome.

  • The Center for Prevention Research at the University of Kentucky
    The overall aim of the Center for Prevention Research is to examine the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors as they relate to the initiation and continuation of drug use and abuse, and to develop and test communication and other intervention strategies for drug abuse prevention.

  • The Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR)
    The Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) is a research center within the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, University of Maryland College Park. A primary mission of CESAR is to collect, analyze, and disseminate information on the nature and extent of substance abuse and related problems in Maryland and nationally. Second, CESAR conducts policy-relevant research on specific initiatives to prevent, treat, and control substance abuse, and evaluates prevention and treatment programs. And third, CESAR provides technical assistance and training to state and local government agencies.

  • Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)
    The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) Technical Assistance Services to Communities is a unique federally funded program designed to disseminate information, increase dialog, and promote community empowerment to combat alcohol and other drug problems. The project is one component of the CSAP Training System, which provides training and technical assistance to professionals and volunteers working to prevent alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems in the communities and workplaces nationwide.

  • College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD)
    The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), formerly the Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence, has been in existence since 1929 and is the longest standing group in the United States addressing problems of drug dependence and abuse. From 1929 until 1976, the CPDD was associated with the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Since 1976, the organization has functioned as an independent body affiliated with other scientific and professional societies representing various disciplines concerned with problems of drug dependence and abuse. In 1991, the CPDD evolved into a membership organization with the new name of College on Problems of Drug Dependence.

    CPDD serves as an interface among governmental, industrial and academic communities maintaining liaisons with regulatory and research agencies as well as educational, treatment, and prevention facilities in the drug abuse field. It also functions as a collaborating center of the World Health Organization.

  • Hazelden Foundation
    Hazelden is a non-profit organization providing high quality, affordable rehabilitation, education, prevention, and professional services and publications in chemical dependency and related disorders.

  • Join Together Online
    Join Together Online is a resource center and meeting place for communities working to reduce the harms associated with the use of illicit drugs, excessive alcohol and tobacco.

  • Medscape
    Medscape®, for health professionals and interested consumers, features the Web's largest collection of free full-text, peer-reviewed articles, medical news, MEDLINE, and interactive quizzes. Updated daily!

  • National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
    The mission of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is to provide statistical information that will guide actions and policies to improve the health of the American people. As the Nation's principal health statistics agency, NCHS leads the way with accurate, relevant, and timely data.

  • National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and other Drug Information (NCADI)
    The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) is the information service of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health & amp; Human Services. NCADI is the world's largest resource for current information and materials concerning substance abuse prevention.

  • The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Drugs and Crime Page
    The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) is one of the most extensive sources of information on criminal and juvenile justice in the world, providing services to an international community of policymakers and professionals. This is the Drugs and Crime area of NCJRS's home page.

  • National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
    NIDA's mission is to lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction. This charge has two critical components: The first is the strategic support and conduct of research across a broad range of disciplines. The second is to ensure the rapid and effective dissemination and use of the results of that research to significantly improve drug abuse and addiction prevention, treatment, and policy.

  • On-line Dictionary of Street Drug Slang
    The Indiana Prevention Resource Center on-line dictionary contains nearly 1,800 street drug slang terms from the Indiana Prevention Resource Center files, with more than 1,200 additions from the National Drug and Crime Clearinghouse slang term list.

  • Prevention Resource Center at Indiana University (IPRC)
    The Indiana Prevention Resource Center at Indiana University is a statewide clearinghouse for prevention technical assistance and information about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs for the State of Indiana. It is Indiana's officially designated RADAR Network (Regional Alcohol and Drug Awareness Resource Network) State Center.

  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive - SAMHDA
    The goal of SAMHDA is to provide ready access to substance abuse and mental health research data and to promote the sharing of these data among researchers, academics, policymakers, service providers, and others, thereby increasing the use of the data in understanding and assessing substance abuse and mental health problems and the impact of related treatment systems. The data archive is also intended to expand the variety of media on which data are available and ensure that data are in user friendly format.

  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
    SAMHSA's mission is to assure that quality substance abuse and mental health services are available to the people who need them and to ensure that prevention and treatment knowledge is used more effectively in the general health care system.

    SAMHSA's mission within the Nation's health system is to improve the quality and availability of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation services in order to reduce illness, death, disability, and cost to society resulting from substance abuse and mental illnesses.

  • Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse - TCADA
    The Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse provides funding for the prevention and treatment of substance abuse. The agency has contracts with more than 200 public and private agencies who provide prevention and treatment services to more than 600,000 Texans each year. To ensure the safety of people in treatment, TCADA licenses about 5,500 chemical dependency counselors and 820 treatment sites. The agency also certifies programs for DWI education, alcohol awareness for minors and drug offenders.

  • United Nations International Drug Control Programme
    The United Nations International Drug Control Programme is the United Nations agency responsible for coordinating activities relating to the international control of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

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