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The Epidemiology of Cocaine Use and Abuse

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 110 [Printed in 1991]

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Table of Contents

Susan E. Schober and Charles P. Schade

Trends in Cocaine Use in the General Population-----5
Beatrice A. Rouse

Quantitative and Qualitative Changes in Cocaine Use Among American High School Seniors, College Students, And Young Adults-----19
Patrick M. O'Malley, Lloyd D. Johnston, and Jerald G. Bachman

Trends and New Developments In Cocaine Use in Canada-----45
Reginald G. Smart

Cocaine Use in Arrestees: Refining Measures of National Trends by Sampling the Criminal Population-----57
Eric D. Wish and Joyce O'Neil

Epidemiologic Evidence on Suspected Associations Between Cocaine Use and Psychiatric Disturbances-----71
James C. Anthony and Kenneth R. Petronis

Preliminary Findings of an Epidemiologic Study of Cocaine-Related Deaths, Dade County, Florida, 1978-85-----95
A. James Ruttenber, Patricia A. Sweeney, James M. Mendlein, and Charles V. Wetli

Frequency of Cocaine Use and Violence: A Comparison Between Men and Women-----113
Paul J. Goldstein, Patricia A. Bellucci, Barry J. Spunt, and Thomas Miller

Stealing and Dealing: Cocaine and Property Crimes-----139
Dana Hunt

Cocaine Use in a National Sample of U.S. Youth (NLSY): Ethnic Patterns, Progression, and Predictors-----151
Denise B. Kandel and Mark Davies

Factors Influencing Initiation of Cocaine Use Among Adults: Findings From the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Program-----169
Christian Ritter and James C. Anthony

Self-Regulation Factors in Cocaine Dependence- A Clinical Perspective-----211
Edward J. Khantzian

Psychiatric Disorders in Treatment-Entering Cocaine Abusers-----227
Bruce Rounsaville and Kathleen Carroll

Risk of Cocaine Abuse and Dependence-----253
Edgar H. Adams and Joseph Gfroerer

Crack-Cocaine in Miami-----263
James A. lnciardi

Descriptive Epidemiology of International Cocaine Trafficking-----275
Michael Montagne

Cocaine Price, Purity, and Trafficking Trends-----297
Maurice Rinfret

The Dynamic Relationships of the Cocaine System in the United States-----305
Raymond C. Shreckengost

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----335

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