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Links to NIDA Constituent Organizations, Grantees and Government Sites of Interest

All entries are listed in alphabetical order with descriptions.

Government Links | Non-Government Links | List without descriptions

One-stop access to U.S. Government information on HIV/AIDS.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Formerly called the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, AHRQ sponsors and conducts research to provide evidence-based health information for patients, healthcare providers, and policymakers alike. The agency's Web site makes it easier to find a wide variety of information ranging from children's health to choosing a health plan.

Center for Functional Genomics and HCV-Associated Liver Disease
The Center brings a multidisciplinary approach to the study of hepatitis C virus infection and its impact on liver function.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, is an agency of the Public Health Service, in the Department of Health and Human Services. It's mission: To promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Prevention Information Network (NPIN).
CDC's, National Prevention Information Network is designed to facilitate sharing of HIV/AIDS, STD and TB information and resources.

Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects (CRISP)
CRISP is a searchable database of federally funded biomedical research projects being conducted at universities, hospitals, and other research institutions. Use the CRISP interface to search for scientific concepts, emerging trends and techniques, or identify specific projects and/or investigators.

Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study (DATOS)
The Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study (DATOS) is NIDA's third national evaluation of treatment effectiveness. It is based on over 10,000 admissions during 1991-1993 to 96 community-based treatment programs in 11 large U.S. cities.

Drug Enforcement Administration
The mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States and bring to the criminal and civil justice system of the United States, or any other competent jurisdiction, those organizations and principal members of organizations, involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the United States; and to recommend and support non-enforcement programs aimed at reducing the availability of illicit controlled substances on the domestic and international markets.

See also, the Drug Enforcement Administration Museum and Visitors Center
An informational resource for entertainment writers and feature journalists, sponsored by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).

Federal Resources for Education Excellence (FREE)
More than 30 Federal agencies formed a working group in 1997 to make hundreds of Federally supported teaching and learning resources easier to find. The result of that work is the FREE web site.

The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) introduced FedWorld in November 1992 to help with the challenge of accessing U.S. Government Information online. In an electronic age when more and more government agencies are racing to get online, FedWorld can help you keep up with the flood of information worldwide. We are providing a comprehensive central access point for locating and acquiring government information.
The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) created the Freevibe Web site as part of a national effort to prevent or reduce the use of drugs among young people.

Healthfinder is a gateway consumer health information web site from the United States government.

The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention
The U.S. Department of Education established the Center to provide nationwide support for campus alcohol and other drug prevention efforts. The Center is working with colleges, universities, and proprietary schools throughout the country to develop strategies for changing campus culture, to foster environments that promote healthy lifestyles, and to prevent illegal alcohol and other drug use among students.

Indian Health Service
An agency of the Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services. The IHS provides a comprehensive health services delivery system for American Indians and Alaska Natives with opportunity for maximum tribal involvement in developing and managing programs to meet their health needs. The goal of the IHS is to raise the health status of American Indian and Alaska Native people to the highest possible level.

Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN)
KEN is a one-stop source of information and resources on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation services for mental illness. KEN is a service of the Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

KEN offers information related to Consumers/Survivors, Managed Care, Childrens' Mental Health, Statistics, and upcoming conferences and events. KEN offers an online database lookup of Mental Health resources around the country and in your community. KEN offers an extensive catalog of free publications, many of which can be viewed at the site or downloaded via FTP. All of the publications can be ordered via on online order form.
Resources on Methamphetamine, sponsored by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services.

National Clearinghouse of Drug and Alcohol Information
The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) is the information service of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. NCADI is the world's largest resource for current information and materials about alcohol and other drugs.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) is one of the most extensive sources of information on criminal and juvenile justice in the world, providing services to an international community of policymakers and professionals. NCJRS is a collection of clearinghouses supporting all bureaus of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs: the National Institute of Justice , the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the OJP Program Offices. It also supports the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, part of the National Institutes of Health, has released a new version of The Cool Spot, a website for grades 6-8.Ê It uses engaging games and graphics to deliver vital messages about underage drinking risks and ways to resist peer pressure.

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
As the research agency of the Department of Justice, NIJ supports research, evaluation, and demonstration programs relating to drug abuse in the contexts of crime and the criminal justice system.

National Interagency Counterdrug Institute (NICI)
NICI products and services support both the supply and demand reduction components of the National Drug Control Strategy as well as the emergency management community.

National Library of Medicine
The National Library of Medicine is the world's largest library dealing with a single scientific/professional topic. It cares for over 4.5 million holdings (including books, journal, reports, manuscripts and audio-visual items).

Also provides MEDLINEplus, a gold mine of up-to-date, quality health care information from the world's largest medical library, the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health.

National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC)
The National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC) is a national clearinghouse for women's health, sponsored by the Office on Women's Health within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NWHIC is the only Federal, commercial-free, combined women's health web site and toll-free phone information center. NWHIC is committed to providing free, reliable information to women across America who are concerned about their health and bodies.

Office of Justice Programs.
Since 1984 the Office of Justice Programs has provided federal leadership in developing the nation's capacity to prevent and control crime, improve the criminal and juvenile justice systems, increase knowledge about crime and related issues, and assist crime victims. Includes the Office of Juvenile Justice and Deliquency Prevention.

The Office of National Drug Control Policy.
The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) was established by Act of Congress in 1988 and is organized within the Executive Office of the President. ONDCP is authorized to develop and coordinate the policies, goals, and objectives of the Nation's drug control program for reducing the use of illicit drugs. ONDCP engages in activities that both meet the requirements of its authorization and represent the values and commitments of the President and its Director.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive (SAMHDA).
SAMHDA's purpose is to increase the utilization of substance abuse and mental health databases, therby encouraging their use to understand and assess the extent of alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health disorders and the nature and impact of related treament systems. Based at the University of Michigan's Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR).

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
SAMHSA's mission is to assure that quality substance abuse and mental health services are available to the people who need them and to ensure that prevention and treatment knowledge is used more effectively in the general health care system.

U.S. Department of Labor - Working Partners for an Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace
Working Partners strives to build a drug-free workforce by equipping businesses and communities with tools and information to effectively address drug and alcohol problems..

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
The World Anti-Doping Agency was created to promote, coordinate, and monitor at the international level the fight against doping in sport in all its forms.

WADA seeks to foster a doping-free culture in sport. It combines the resources of sports and governments to enhance, supplement, and coordinate existing efforts to educate athletes about the harms of doping, reinforce the ideal of fair play, and sanction those who cheat themselves and their sport.

Youth Info Home Page
YouthInfo, a new information resource developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide you with the latest information about America's adolescents.


Alcohol Medical Scholars Program
The mission of the Alcohol Medical Scholars Program (AMSP) is to promote optimal education in medical schools regarding the identification and care of people with alcohol use disorders and other substance-related problems. Slide copy for lectures developed by the AMSP are available free of charge on the website.

American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
The American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry was formed to promote excellence clinical practice in addiction psychiatry; educate the public to influence public policy regarding addictive illness; promote accessibility of quality treatment for all patients; provide continuing education for professionals in the field of addiction psychiatry; disseminate new information in the field of addiction psychiatry; and encourage research on the etiology, prevention, identification, and treatment of the addictions.

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) is the leading national professional medical association dedicated to treating and improving the quality of life for children, adolescents, and families affected by these disorders.

American Academy of Family Physicians
The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) is a national non-profit medical association of more than 94,300 family physicians, family practice residents, and medical students.

American Academy of Pediatrics
Committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is a nonprofit professional society dedicated to the advancement of scientific and technological excellence across all disciplines, and to the public's understanding of science and technology. AAAS is among the oldest societies in America, having been founded in Philadelphia in 1848.

American Foundation for AIDS Research
The American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR) is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to the support of AIDS research (both basic biomedical and clinical research), education for AIDS prevention, and sound AIDS-related public policy development.

The American Legacy Foundation
Tobacco is our nation's leading cause of preventable death, and the American Legacy Foundation is the only national foundation dedicated exclusively to fighting it. Our programs are working to engage all Americans in the dialogue about tobacco and to foster an understanding about its harmful effects. And every day, we're demonstrating that the fight against tobacco is a fight we can win.

The American Lung Association
The American Lung Associationis the oldest voluntary health organization in the United States, with a National Office and constituent and affiliate associations around the country. Founded in 1904 to fight tuberculosis, the American Lung Association today fights lung disease in all its forms, with special emphasis on asthma, tobacco control and environmental health.

The American Psychiatric Association
The American Psychiatric Association is a national medical specialty society whose 40,500 physician members specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional illnesses and substance use disorders.

American Psychological Association (APA)
This is the home page for the Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse of the American Psychological Association. Of interest to psychologists practicing in the drug abuse field may be the web site for the APA College of Professional Psychology.

American Psychological Society (APS)
Advancing the scientific discipline and the giving away of psychology in the public interest.

American Public Health Association
The American Public Health Association (APHA) is the oldest and largest organization of public health professionals in the world, representing more than 50,000 members from over 50 occupations of public health. The Association and its members have been influencing policies and setting priorities in public health since 1872. See also the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD) Section.

American Society of Addiction Medicine
The nation's medical specialty society dedicated to educating physicians and improving the treatment of individuals suffering from alcoholism or other addictions

Brain Disorders Network
The Brain Disorders Network is sponsored by the National Foundation for Brain Research.

Brains Rule!
University of Nebraska at Omaha and several partner organizations are working together, to promote learning about the brain and nervous system among children and adults using new and exciting teaching methods.

Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
The Center's mission is to promote the identification, prevention and effective treatment of alcohol and other drug use problems in our society through research, publications, education and training.

Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research (CEDAR)
CEDAR serves to elucidate the factors contributing to the variation in the liability to drug abuse and determine the developmental pathways culminating in drug abuse outcome, normal outcome, and psychiatric/behavioral disorder outcome.

CEDAR is a consortium between the University of Pittsburgh and St. Francis Medical Center.

Center for Interventions, Treatment and Addictions Research (CITAR)
The Center for Interventions, Treatment and Addictions Research (CITAR) in Dayton, Ohio, is the focal point for substance abuse related services, academic research and services research at the Wright State University School of Medicine. They focus on substance abuse issues in small and mid-sized cities and surrounding suburban and rural communities.

Center for Prevention Research at the University of Kentucky
The Center for Prevention Research at the University of Kentucky was established in October 1987 with funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. It was the first such Center funded by NIDA.

Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR)
The Center for Substance Abuse Research located at the University of Maryland, provides a weekly fax service on drug abuse related topics also.

Center for the Neurobiological Investigation of Drug Abuse (CNIDA)
The purpose of the Center is to provide a research environment that allows investigators with major interests in substance abuse to work together on joint research projects that utilize the broad research expertise of each individual. The internationally recognized faculty with research, training and service interests related to the actions of drugs of abuse on the brain and the biological basis of drug addiction, are the essence of this Center.

Center for Treatment Research on Adolescent Drug Abuse
The University of Miami Center for Treatment Research on Adolescent Drug Abuse (CTRADA) was established to conduct psychosocial treatment research on adolescent drug abuse (ADA), from treatment development to mechanisms, evaluation and dissemination.

Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA)
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) is a resource for research on addiction and substance abuse. It provides access to information, research and commentary on tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse issues including prevention, treatment and cost data.

College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD)
CPDD serves as an interface among governmental, industrial and academic communities maintaining liaisons with regulatory and research agencies as well as educational, treatment, and prevention facilities in the drug abuse field. It also functions as a collaborating center of the World Health Organization.

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) is the premier national membership of over 5,000 community coalitions, state associations and prevention experts working at the local level to reduce substance abuse and related violence.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
Our mission: To improve the lives of people living with mood disorders

Drug Strategies
Drug Strategies is a non-profit research institute promoting more effective approaches to the nation's drug problems by supporting private and public inititatives that reduce the demand for drugs through prevention, education, treatment, law enforcement and community coalitions.

Entertainment Industry Council
In 1983, The Entertainment Industries Council, Inc. ("EIC") was founded by leaders in the entertainment industry to provide information, awareness and understanding of major public health and social issues among the entertainment industry and to audiences at large.

The Annual Prism Awards & Commendations, sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the Entertainment Industries Council, Inc., are presented in recognition of outstanding contributions for the accurate depiction of drugs, alcohol and tobacco abuse and addiction.
Operated by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), a national medical organizations representing more than 94,300 family physicians, family practice residents and medical students. All of the information onÊthis siteÊhas been written and reviewed by physicians and patient education professionals at the AAFP.

The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)
The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) is the largest coalition of life sciences societies in the United States, and represents over 42,000 biomedical and biological scientists. FASEB society members are committed to performing fundamental research and education in their disciplines. Our mission is to support the program needs of the Member Societies in three areas: education, logistic support, and a unified voice on public affairs--in order to influence the biomedical research issues that are important to the members of FASEB Societies.

Friends Research Institute, Inc. (FRI)
FRI provides efficient, personal, and comprehensive services in the administration of research funds. Services include budgeting, data analysis, protocol development, clerical support, liability insurance, worker's compensation, 1099's, W2's, and payroll (direct deposit).

Health On the Net Foundation
Health On the Net Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to build and support the international health and medical community on the Internet and WWW, so that the potential benefits of this new communications medium may be realised by individuals, medical professionals and healthcare providers. HON site includes a complete list of hospitals on the WWW, internet medical support communities (listservers, newsgroups and FAQs), Medical sites search engine, etc...

HIV Insite
HIV InSite is a project of the University of California, San Francisco AIDS Program at San Francisco General Hospital and the UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies.

The Institute of Behavioral Research at TCU
The Institute of Behavioral Research (IBR) at TCU conducts evaluations of drug abuse and addiction services. Special attention is given to assessing and analyzing individual functioning, treatment delivery and engagement process, and their relationships to outcomes. Treatment improvement protocols developed and tested emphasize cognitive and behavioral strategies for programs in community-based as well as criminal justice settings. Our people, projects, publications, and training programs are described, and a variety of data collection forms are available for downloading.

Join Together Online
Join Together Online is a resource center and meeting place for communities working to reduce the harms associated with the use of illicit drugs, excessive alcohol and tobacco. Join Together Online helps communities raise money to support prevention and treatment activities and stay on top of the latest substance abuse news, technical assistance and public policy developments. It also puts communities in direct contact with others seeking to develop comprehensive approaches to reducing the harm from substance abuse.

The National Alliance for Hispanic Health
Our mission is to improve the health and well-being of all Hispanic communities throughout the United States. COSSMHO is the sole organization focusing on the health, mental health, and human services needs of the diverse Hispanic communities.

National Alliance of Methadone Advocates
The primary objective of NAMA is to advocate for the patient in treatment by destigmatizing and empowering methadone patients. First and foremost, NAMA confronts the negative stereotypes that impact on the self esteem and worth of many methadone patients with a powerful affirmation of pride and unity.

National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors
NAADAC'S mission is to provide leadership in the alcoholism and drug abuse counseling profession by building new visions, effecting change in public policy, promoting criteria for effective treatment, encouraging adherence to ethical standards, and ensuring professional growth for alcoholism and drug abuse counselors.

The National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice (NCMHJJ)
The National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice (NCMHJJ) promotes awareness of the mental health needs of youth in the juvenile justice system and assists the field in developing improved policies and programs based on the best available research and practice. The Center hosts a variety of interrelated projects that are supported by public and private organizations.

The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA)
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) is a resource for research on addiction and substance abuse. It provides access to information, research and commentary on tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse issues including prevention, treatment and cost data.

National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. (NDRI)
National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. (NDRI) is a non-profit research and educational organization founded to advance scientific knowledge in the areas of drug abuse, HIV, AIDS, therapeutic communities, related areas of mental health and public health, criminal justice, urban problems, prevention and epidemiology.

National Families in Action (NFIA)
National Families in Action (NFIA) is a private, nonprofit membership organization founded in 1977. It helped create and lead the parent movement, the first tier of the prevention movement that drove drug use down by two-thirds among adolescents and young adults between 1979 and 1992. Its goal is to help parents prevent drug abuse in their families and communities.

National Inhalant Prevention Coalition
Synergies, a non-profit corporation based in Austin, Texas, founded the National Inhalant Prevention Coalition (NIPC) in 1992. The NIPC grew from a state-wide prevention project in Texas called the Texas Prevention Partnership which began in 1990. NIPC is a public-private effort to promote awareness and recognition of the under publicized problem of inhalant use. NIPC is funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and is led by Synergies, a non-profit corporation founded by Harvey J. Weiss.

Neuroscience for Kids
Neuroscience for Kids has been created for all students and teachers who would like to learn about the nervous system.

The Partnership for a Drug-Free America
The Partnership for a Drug-Free America (PDFA) is a private non-profit, non-partisan coalition of professionals from the communications industry. Our mission is to reduce demand for illicit drugs in America through media communication.

Project CRAFT
Project CRAFT, as part of the Research Division at The University of New Mexico Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions (UNM-CASAA), involves several treatment outcome studies designed to teach skills to help loved ones of resistant substance abusers convince the users to accept treatment for their drug or alcohol problems.

RAND's Drug Policy Research Center
The Drug Policy Research Center (DPRC) was established in 1989 to conduct empirical research, policy analysis, and outreach needed to help community leaders and public officials develop more effective strategies for dealing with drug problems. The center builds on a long tradition of RAND research characterized by an interdisciplinary, empirical approach to public policy issues and rigorous standards of quality, objectivity, and independence. The center is supported by the Ford Foundation, other foundations, goverment agencies, corporations and individuals.

The Reconstructors
The Reconstructors is a problem-based adventure game engaging the player in the role of scientist, historian, geographer, and detective. There will be several consecutive episodes, each with their own learning objectives. The knowledge gained from each episode will help you make better, more informed health choices when it comes to avoiding drugs of abuse.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - Substance Abuse Policy Research Program
The site includes project summaries, grant application information, and links to other sites relating to substance abuse. The goal of the program is to identify, analyze, and evaluate policies regarding tobacco, alcohol, and drug abuse.

Scholastic, for more than 82 years, has created quality products and services that educate, entertain and motivate children and are designed to help enlarge their understanding of the world around them. NIDA has collaborated with Scholastic to produce Heads Up - Real News About Drugs and Your Body.

Society for Prevention Research
The focus of this society is broadly defined and concerned with the problems pertaining to the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse, and associated social maladjustment, crime, and behavior disorders.

SMART Recovery®
SMART Recovery® is an abstinence-based, not- for-profit organization with a sensible self-help program for people having problems with drinking and using. It includes many ideas and techniques to help you change your life from one that is self- destructive and unhappy to one that is constructive and satisfying.

Substance Abuse Resource Center.
The Substance Abuse Resource Center offers a wealth of data and reports on the abuse of alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs and efforts to prevent harm from their use from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation National Program Offices, grantees and other sources. It also features the latest edition of a groundbreaking new study, "Substance Abuse: The Nation's Number One Health Problem--Key Indicators for Policy." This thought-provoking report tracks smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use over several decades.

UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs (ISAP)
ISAP coordinates substance abuse research and treatment under authority of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute & Hospital (NPI&H). NPI&H is a division of the UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, housed within the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

Web of Addictions
The Web of Addictions is dedicated to providing accurate information about alcohol and other drug addictions. We developed the Web of Addictions for several reasons. We are concerned about the pro drug use messages in some Web sites and in some use groups. We are concerned about the appalling extent of misinformation about abused drugs on the internet, particularly on some usenet news groups. Finally, we wanted to provide a resource for teachers, students and others who needed factual information about abused drugs.

Illustration of brain under stress

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National Institutes of Health logo_Department of Health and Human Services Logo The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) , a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Questions? See our Contact Information. Last updated on Thursday, September 4, 2008. The U.S. government's official web portal