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Onsite Research
Materials Science: Metallography

NETL has a state-of-the art metallographic facility staffed with world renowned experts with experience on a wide range of alloys and materials with the tools to get the job done.

Our metallography staff works with their customers to reveal the microstructure contained within the specimens using sophisticated polishing, staining, and microscopic techniques to develop new techniques and improve upon old ones. An understanding of the microstructure is a useful tool in a wide range of situations from developing processing techniques on new material to evaluating the performance of new and existing materials after exposure to aggressive conditions. The information our staff obtains is an invaluable part of a research program. For example:

Metallography slideshowNew alloys: new nickel-base superalloys.
Nickel base superalloy with tungsten inclusions
with Vickers harness indentions.

“Standard alloys:” new etching technique for stainless steels.
304 SS (sheet) – stain etched.

Elucidate dissimilar materials in weldments.
Niobium alloy welded to zirconium (sheet) -- anodized.


Please contact Cynthia Powell for more information.