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You are here: Home / Consumers / Eating for Health / Osteoporosis and Bone Health 
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How Can Exercise Help Prevent Osteoporosis?
University of Arizona. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Learn about the best exercises for bone building. Includes exercise tips and a link to a bone-building exercise chart.
osteoporosis bonesMayo Clinic: Osteoporosis
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
Discusses the signs, symptoms, complications, and treatments of osteoporosis.
Nutrition and Osteoporosis
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service. Food Reflections.
Includes information on using food and supplement labels to assess calcium intake, recommended amounts of calcium for different age groups and tips for lactose-intolerant persons and people who don't drink milk.
Osteoporosis - Prevention
National Osteoporosis Foundation.
Learn about the dietary and lifestyle changes you can make to help prevent osteoporosis.
Girls Health characterPowerful Bones. Powerful Girls™.
DHHS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
This site for young girls has games, quizzes, e-postcards, and ideas for meeting calcium needs for bone health.
Strengthen Your Bone Knowledge  (PDF|472 KB)
Kansas State University Cooperative Extension.
Learn about the importance of calcium, sources in the diet, supplementation information, and special needs populations such as children and vegetarians.
Vitamin A and Bone Health
DHHS. NIH. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.
Discover the importance of Vitamin A in your diet as well as food sources and recommended intakes.

Last Modified: Apr 2, 2009  
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